To Piper: you look beautiful.

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Piper: Um... who wrote this?
Annabeth: it better not be you Percy BECAUSE I JUST GOT ANOTHER KNIFE IN THE MAIL
Percy: whoa whoa you know I'd never write this.
Leo: could be you Annabeth!
Annabeth: *blushing*
Annabeth: okay but I swear it isn't!
Piper: but then... who is it?
Hazel: I don't know, but I hope it isn't Frank.
Percy: nah last I Saw him he was in new Rome doing preator stuff - he's too busy.
Piper: Jason? Please tell me my dead ex aren't flirting with me!
Percy: as you said, he's dead.
Piper: BuT tHeN wHo?
Leo: I suddenly got something to do....
Piper: LEO VALDEZ!!!

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