To Annabeth: sort the seven + Nico into their Hogwarts houses

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Annabeth: oh... let's see... Percy is a Huffelpuff, no doubt.
Percy: okay true tho...
Annabeth: Hazel is a Gryffindor, and Frank is...
Frank: ?????
Annabeth: hmm... okay let's say a Gryffindor.
Annabeth: Leo is a Slytheri-
Leo: hey I wear red much better!
Annabeth: -therin or a Ravenclaw, Jason is a Slytherin or Gryffindor, and Piper is... hmm...
Annabeth: Piper is a Ravenclaw.
Annabeth: and I'm probrably a Ravenclaw too... or maybe a Slytherin?
Annabeth: yeah at least that's what I think and I'm always right.
Percy: true.
Nico: but wait what about me?
Everyone: Slytherin.
Will: Huffelpuff
Annabeth: Huffelpuff
Percy: Annabeth is always right.

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