To Nico Reyna and Hedge: What. Happened. In. Albania.

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Nico: gotta go *shadow travles away*
Reyna: ehm I wish I could stay but I have ehm... praetor stuff
Coach Hedge: but aren't you free on all thursda-
Reyna: *kicks Hedge*
Coach Hedge: Why did you kick me??
Reyna: *kicks him again*
Coach Hedge: oh you did nOT-
Reyna: shhh!
Coach Hedge: oh dont you dare 'shh' me im gonna-
Nico: *shadow travel back* sorry for the inconvinience! See ya!
Interviewer: but you didn't answer my que-
Nico: *shadow travels Hedge and Reyna away with him*
Interviewer: honestly, not even suprised anymore

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