To the gods: wich of the demigods do you hate the most?

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Hera: Jason. Thalia. Annabeth.
Jason: *whispers to Thalia and Annabeth* We did a good job.
Thalia: yeah finally all our struggle became worth it.
Annabeth: yeah... I had to deal whit cows for years, but if we anoyed her, it was all worth it.
Ares: Jackson.
Posidon: what have my son ever done to you?
Posidon: Well then I say Clarisse if that's how we play.
Ares: *ofended gasp*
Zeus: Percy or Luke. Probrably Luke.
Hermes: Annabeth. You had the chance to turn my son good.
Annabeth: two gods hate me? Wow I'm doing my job so Well.
Athena: Percy.
Percy: woaw I've saved y'all's but's several times, and this is the thank I get?
Hestia: I don't hate anyone.
Dionysus: I have hate enough to all of you. Annabel Cheese, Peter Johnson, Cassandra LaBoom, Jacob Gale, Mango Cheese...
Jason: actually it's Jason Grace...
Magnus Chase: yeah and I'm Magnus Ch-
Dionysus: do I look like I care?

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