To Hestia: how would you rate your family members?

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Hestia: hmm lets see
Hestia: Hera is a solid 5
Hera: pft
Hestia: Percy is a 10 outta 10, and I'd give Annabeth the same if it wasn't for her non-peacefull mind, so 8 out of 10.
Annabeth: good enough I guess.
Hestia: Posidon'll get a 6 because he's fine but my fire place don't like his water
Posidon: fair
Hestia: Leo Valdez is 9/10, because you are for sure a nice guy, but you haven't found your home yet. Where is it really?
Leo: wtf is this, therapy?
Hestia: you could say that
Leo: what the-
Hestia: and last but not least, Octavian.
Hestia: 1/10, would not recommend.

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