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Hello everyone! It's been a while, I know, but I'm back and hopefully to stay.

So, recently, I've been doing some non-fan fiction reading on Wattpad, (ex. Plutonian by SoniaJohn , it's an incredible action/romance/sci-fi book and I would recommend reading it if you're okay with some mature themes) and I've begun to realize what good pieces of writing really are.

While I wouldn't say I'm a terrible author, I've made a lot of mistakes in my writing (especially this book) as far as character development, advanced vocabulary, and detailed conflicts.

This is where I have some questions for y'all. I'm still going to put out a new update for the readers who were requesting it, but I'm also going to rewrite this book. Not too drastically— it's still going to have the same plot and characters, just enough adaptations to make this an all-around better read.

If I edit chapters, do I lose all of my views/votes/comments? Also, when I'm done, does it give you guys a notification? I'd hate to blow up anyone's inbox.

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