Chapter 10 ~ Heated Between the Guys?

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Hey everyone, I'm back!

To be completely honest, I had really high hopes for this book, but I'm really not moving along as quickly as I should be and I have a feeling that I'm losing people's interest. I might stop this book and work on others, I'm not really sure. Anyways, enjoy the chapter.

    "Sir," Bethany acknowledged, taking a seat in front of the S.H.I.E.L.D. director. He looked up from whatever files he was going through on his monitor, then returned the short greeting.

    "Agent. What's so important?"

     "There's this girl," Bethany began. "She umm... I believe her to have telekinetic gifts."

    "Does this girl happen to be Ashley Tanner, or should I say, Ashley Everglade?" Fury interjected, seemingly uninterested.

    "Yes...?" Bethany cautiously answered. "How did you know?"

    "No Agent, the question was, how did you not know? Did you know that the day you and your little adopted daughter decided to sightsee, there was a kid that fell into the ocean?"

    "Almost fell in," Bethany corrected, to which Fury shook his head.

    "So that is what she told you?"

    Bethany gave him a look of confusion. "I don't believe I follow..."

    "Look at this," he gestured for her to come over to his side of the desk. She obliged, then watched as he played a video on the monitor. "Here's the kid." Fury pointed to a toddler, then they both watched the kid slip through the rails and into the ocean. However, just as quickly, the toddler began to rise back up and over the railing.

    "But why doesn't that mean that the child has special abilities?"

    "Because," Fury explained, editing the video to where it gave them a view of Ashley, who was intermixed with the rest of the crowd. "Watch her, and watch her closely."

    Bethany leaned towards the monitor, studying every movement that Ashley made. Sure enough, she quickly noticed that the girl's fingers were twitching very specifically, and when Bethany moved her gaze over to the rising toddler, she began to notice something. Both the movement in Ashley's fingers and the toddler's position were in sync.

    "So she lied to me?" Bethany scoffed, leaning back from the computer and crossing her arms.

    "I wouldn't take it personally," Fury chuckled. "A girl like her is probably too scared to share it with anyone."

    "But what do we do from here? I mean, it isn't like she's a danger to society. Shoot, if anything, she's a little bit of help."

     "That's the point," Fury argued. "This world is getting more dangerous by the day. It is people like her that we need to have on our side, so they can protect the people when we can't."

    "So you want to put her on the Avengers initiative? A girl who is trying to find her way through the world, and is already plenty busy with school and her career? Good luck with that, Pirate," Bethany fired back incredulously.

    "Not yet." Fury shook his head. "But she'll need to go on the index. We need to make sure that we know where she is when the time comes."

    Bethany sighed, then paced from one end of the room to the other. A scowl spread across her face as she contemplated what little choice she had. She could either run with whatever Fury was asking of her, or she could go rogue and suffer the consequences.

    The brunette let out an exasperated sigh, dodging her glance between the windows and the Director. She finally committed to turning her body back to Fury. With a huff, she replied, "Fine, but we do things my way. If not, I will make sure that our new little asset will disappear off of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar just as quickly as it came on."

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