|<Chapter One>|

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This chapter has been rewritten as of 4/5/21


Tangible, agonizing pain rippled throughout her skull. Nothing could come close to describing the severity of her affliction; incessant puncturing of needles through her scalp and bloodthirsty flames licking at her brain. There was no throbbing—no momentary relief— of the blinding pain. Instead, it persisted perpetually in all its fury, causing the entity to regret her entire existence.

    Futile attempts at screaming were only rejected by her own body. A drowning sensation came over her, causing her throat to constrict at the fictitious water. She pleaded with her body to resist what would prove to be her eradication, but not a single muscle twitched.

    Without warning, the previously isolated pain branched off from her head and crackled throughout her limbs like lightning. Every inch of nerve in her body burned with excruciating pain. When she had wished to feel the rest of her figure, this wasn't how she had imagined it occurring.

    Even if she resented the immense torture she was experiencing, she couldn't deny that the rest of her body being brought to her attention was a relief. Her burning limbs and abdomen were finally hers to control.

    A cough resonated throughout the silence, which inflicted shock upon her when she realized that it had been hers. At last, a painful breath of air was sucked into her body, consequently inflating her collapsed lungs. Life danced across her frame, igniting energy that previously laid hidden in her bones while suffocating the darkness that had attempted to consume her.

    She was alive.

    Her eyelids fluttered open, but a mere canvas of pristine white was unveiled. A similar fate fell upon her hearing, which consisted of bleak ringing that had overtaken her coughing fit. Her fingers weakly flexed before tracing a circular path on the coarse rock she was lying upon.

    Pain still tenaciously clutched at her body, though its importance paled in comparison to the other issue that had presented itself. Despite her continuous efforts to recall the slightest bit of detail of her existence before, her searches were coming up empty. There was simply nothing stored in her mind.

    That was the most demoralizing aspect of all. She had no 'before'. She had no 'past'. No belonging. There was nothing that classified her as sentient except for the pain that racked her body. She was a shell of a person.

    Small sections of white eventually gave way to traces of darkness. The shaded lines contoured shapes, which gradually ate away at the bleached color. Even if all she could see were dull shades of black and white, it was still enough to send a small wave of positivity through her. The setting that formulated before her was proof that all was not hopeless; she had at least retained the ability to see.

    In a similar manner that had occurred with her vision, her hearing was also regained. The noise that echoed throughout her ears sounded as though she were underwater, but the instinctual feelings residing inside her were enough to assure her that her abilities would eventually improve.

    "He.. hello?" She croaked out. With an immense amount of strain and grunting, she was able to push herself off of her back. There, for a few moments while she was recovering from the spasms of agony that were tearing through her body, she rested in a sitting position.

    Walls of faded, worn brick on either side of her towered into the sky. On the sections that had once been painted, the creamy-white was peeling and cracking. Windows were also dispersed amongst the surface; all of which were dusted with grime and occasionally broken. Beneath her quivering legs, jagged pavement laid in an uneven pattern.

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