|<Chapter Twenty-Six>|

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I have no clue how we're already at 26

it felt like it was the s.t.r.i.k.e chapter just last week

Violence, torture, self-deprecating thoughts, PTSD, and some gore. I usually don't put warnings, but parts of this chapter left me feeling queasy when I wrote it.

"I don't have any incentive for you not to," Ashley admitted nervously, anxiously pushing herself away from the slightly illuminated figure in the corner. "But I'd really appreciate it if you don't kill me. It's been a rough couple of weeks, ya know? Months, possibly. I've already got enough..." Her words became muted from the pain of agitating her broken bones and damaged muscles, causing an involuntary whimper to slip past her lips.

"God," the person whispered. Her voice still held the same rich accent, but her tone was far less menacing. "You're a kid."

"Normally I'd be offended by that," Ashley replied, inwardly allowing a small wave of relief to wash over her mind. As of current, the female displayed no signs of aggression. Ashley counted her lucky stars for that before momentarily allowing herself to imagine what trying to fight in her current state would've looked like. It certainly wouldn't have ended pretty for her. "But right now, it's actually nice having someone notice that."

The person slowly brought her hands together in a sphere, then closed her eyes for a moment as she concentrated on her palms. Before long, a warm red glow was emanating from them and was just enough to clear the darkness away from Ashley. Both were left stunned at the sight of the other, who appeared a lot less sinister than they imagined they would. Okay, well, the woman still scared the shit out of Ashley, but her mannerisms didn't appear hostile for the time being.

"You're young, too," Ashley mumbled, staring at the youthful and pretty face of the woman who leaned against the wall. Her hair fell against her shoulders in dark, unkempt messy waves, starkly contrasting with her pale skin and sharp features. The woman's eyes were beginning to lose their red glow and were fading back into a natural blue hue. "Who are you?"

Ashley initially thought that the silence she was receiving was because the young woman didn't want to reveal her name to her. However, as she looked closer, she realized that the person was bitterly struggling to recall the answer to the simple question. Ashley felt pity for the brunette as she trembled in efforts to recall such a personal detail. "...it's Wanda. Maximoff."

"Hello, Wanda," Ashley whispered. "My name is Ashley if you wanted to know."

"What have they done to you?" Wanda ignored Ashley's comment and instead questioned, gesturing to Ashley's crooked leg, forearm, and the droves of bruises that painted her body. Ashley spared a glance herself, growing queasy as she took in the flaws and marring of her skin. Each bruise, gash, and splotch of dried blood twisted her once admirable skin into something pitiful. She forced herself to look away, bile threatening to surface.

"I'll tell you," Ashley returned through a grunt. "But first, please help me into a more comfortable position. I don't have good control over my body right now."

Wanda was hesitant, but nodded and stood up, slowly walking over to Ashley with the sphere of light resting in one hand. Then, with a small amount of magic and the other hand, the woman was able to help support Ashley and shift her weight off of her broken leg. Together, they shuffled their way back to the wall and Ashley sat with her back propped up against the cold bricks and metal.

After she had assured that Ashley was comfortable, though, Wanda had retreated to a safe distance. Ashley frowned at the skittish and antisocial behavior of the brunette. Though, she could not necessarily blame the woman. If she hadn't been in such a vulnerable state, she likely would've been just as defensive.

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