Chapter 14 ~ S.T.R.I.K.E.

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OKAY, I know this is like kinda early.

I wasn't expecting to update this soon either, alright?

I'm just insanely excited. It's all coming together. She's an agent now. The action can finally begin.

I gotta admit, I kinda miss not writing about Peter and stuff in a while, but he'll come soon enough. I have more important things to talk about >:)

"So level 5, ay?" Ashley asked with a smirk as she elbowed Nicole. The brunette had done nearly as well as Ashley in both the written and physical exams for and had obviously passed.

    "Agent Springs at your service," Nicole replied with a laugh. Raine was to the woman's right and Blaire was to Ashley's left.

    "We're going to be all that the agents talk about," Raine giggled, her blonde waves bouncing up and down.

    "Especially you," Blaire pointed out, gesturing to Ashley. "Watch. You're about to become Fury's personal pet. I can't blame him though. For such a little package, you pack a punch."

    All of the women laughed and commented on their agreements. All that the teenager could do was flush in embarrassment and mumble her argument against it.

    "Hey! Brian!" Nicole suddenly called out. Ashley looked up to the direction the brunette had yelled out and saw a man about the same age as the woman walking towards his car. The guy stopped and turned around. "Well? Are you going to come over here or...?" Nicole asked impatiently with a playful tap of her foot.

    "Geez, Agent Bossy," he chuckled with a roll of his eyes as he walked over and fell into pace with the girls.

    "This is Brian, everyone. And Brian, this is Blaire, Raine, and Ashley."

    "Wait a minute," Brian interjected. "Ashley? As in the 14-year-old-girl-that-whooped William-Tylers'-butt-and-then-aced-both-the-Sci-Tech-and-the-Operations-exams Agent Tanner?"

     "That'd be me," Ashley chuckled, speeding up so that way she wasn't hidden behind Nicole and Blaire. "How'd you know all that?"

    "Word gets around fast in the Triskelion," Brian nonchalantly shrugged.

    "So how do you know Brian?" Raine asked, turning to Nicole.

    "He's a friend of mine from SciTech. He was one of the students that took the initiation exams today and passed, too," Blaire proudly answered.

    "Wait a minute, I think I remember hearing the senior agent call out your name," Ashley noted, recalling the experience from a couple of hours prior. "Brian Chetman, right?"

    "Yep," Brian smiled. "So where are you guys headed? I'm always up for hanging out with people."

    "I think I'm free for the rest of the night," Nicole said after silently running through her schedule. "How about you, gals?"

     "I can come," Blaire responded. "I've just gotta shoot my roommate a message and let her know I won't be there tonight."

    "I can, too," Raine added.

    "Ashley?" Nicole asked, turning to the teenager.

    "Wish I could, but I've got homework due tomorrow that I haven't even started on and it's currently..." Ashley looked down at her wrist and checked the time, "Seven-thirty. Guess I'll have to hang out another time."

    "I forgot you still go to school with you being smart and all," Blaire chuckled, brushing her red hair back behind her ear as she pulled out her phone from her pocket. "What's your number?"

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