Chapter 12 ~ Initiation

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I have no clue why I decided to update this book instead of the other ones that actually needed to be updated. I guess I was excited? I dunno.

I watched the season 5 finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. the other day and it would be a lie if I say I didn't cry. Bittersweet tears, though. I kinda don't know if I want to watch season 6. I watched the trailer and it already looks terrifyingly wild. But then again, I know I need to so if I'm absent for a bit, that's what I'm doing lmao.

Also, I can not tell you how many kriffing times I wrote Bethany instead of Natasha. *le facepalm*

"Ash, we're going to be late," Natasha groaned in annoyance as the girl ducked back into her room to grab her gym clothes. Ashley had almost forgot them... and we all know what happens when you show up to athletics without the proper uniform.

    "Yeah, yeah, I know," Ashley grumbled as she slung her gym bag on her one shoulder and her book bag on the other. She took a deep breath in attempts to wake up her brain a little bit more but she was ultimately unsuccessful. It would be a lie to say that she didn't stay up too late listening to music and doodling. She wasn't really sure what she was drawing to be honest, but whatever it was, it felt right when she got it down on paper.

    Once the teenager made her way back into the living room of the apartment, Natasha grabbed a hold of Ashley's wrist and quickly pulled her out of the residence. "You know it doesn't look professional when you're late," the undercover redhead gently scolded.

    Ashley deadpanned at the woman before arguing, "Even if we hit the worst traffic in the history of traffic, we'd still be an entire 30 minutes early."

    "Punctuality as an agent isn't the same as punctuality as a normal person," Natasha explained as they began heading down the hall of the complex.


    "Meaning being early is on time and on time is late."

    "That's not fair," Ashley play-pouted, though she was inwardly quite serious. She knew that in the near future she would have to be getting up even earlier to work a morning-jog into her schedule, but she still couldn't bear getting up that early in the morning. She was definitely not a morning person. Ashley just felt more productive and alive in the dead of night and would much rather stay up late and sleep in.

    "Life's not fair, but we all have to get used to it," Natasha sighed as they passed by a door that led into their neighboring apartment. However, instead of continuing on like a normal person, Ashley came to a dead halt in front of the door and stared at it in both amazement and confusion. "What on Earth are you doing, child?"

    "One of my abilities," Ashley began after remembering that Natasha did know about her inhuman powers. "Is sensing people's presences. There's someone in this room that's energy signature is really familiar but wildly different at the same time. It almost gives me a headache without the actual pain. It's really interesting."

    Natasha looked at her with a dumbfounded face as she was slightly bothered by this.. "Alright, um... stop so we can actually leave."

    Ashley looked at Natasha in confusion about why the brunette wasn't pleased at her discovery. She quickly shrugged it off and jogged down the hall to catch up to the undercover agent.


    "-and that is why sleeping in class gets you in trouble," the teacher snipped in a slightly passive-aggressive tone as he stared down the student that had just failed to answer his question. Ashley couldn't help but feel a little bit sorry for the girl considering that she herself found it hard to not doze off in class. Of course, she was sure that the majority of the kids didn't have to do half as much stuff she did in a day in their entire week, but it didn't sway her pity towards the girl.

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