Chapter 13 ~ She's a Boss B*tch

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Hello everyone! I'm super excited to release this chapter to y'all. It's totally not over 5,000 words long...

*looks off and laughs nervously*

Be sure to listen to the song when I inform you to!

Before we begin though, I do have an obligatory warning to make.


This chapter includes strong language and possibly offensive themes via song lyrics. Please read and listen at your own discretion.

"Five minutes remaining," a monotonous voice droned out. Ashley turned around and took quick surveillance of the other people who were taking the test. Fortunately for her, she appeared to not be the only one who wasn't finished. Actually, nobody was really finished yet.

Two questions left, Ashley thought to herself in relief. She had taken the SciTech test first, which had proved to be an absolute breeze and she easily finished within the first 10 minutes, and then had taken the much more difficult physical exam, where she had to race against the others to come up with a solution to an issue with one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s fancy tools with limited resources, but now she was taking the Operations exam. While she could still answer the questions, they required more thinking and strategizing than just pure information.

"What's wrong, little girl? Can't keep up?" William Tylers teased as collected his paper and purposefully bumped into her on his way to the turn-in tray. Ashley bristled and scowled, but decided to keep her mouth shut and continue working. She didn't have time to come up with a snapback.

"Two minutes re..." Ashley didn't get to hear the rest of it as she pushed her chair back and stood up.


Ashley was sure to send William a smirk as she returned to her seat. Raine was right behind her, but Blaire had to randomly fill in her last to answers due to lack of time.

"Well," Blaire panted as the thee girls clustered together and sat down. They had a 10-minute break before they would begin with their physical exams, "that was definitely more difficult than I was anticipating. I mean, who would make you choose between finishing the mission or saving your partner in a stupid exam?"

The teenager couldn't help but wince. That had been one of the more difficult questions to answer.

"I'm sure we'll all do fine," Ashley convinced the other women, then added in a passive-aggressive tone, "It's not like we rushed through our tests."

They all snickered and looked over to William, who was busy leaning back in the seat with confidence written all over his face. Ashley couldn't help but hope that he failed the exams.

The rest of the short 10 minutes was spent by the girls rambling on about random topics to ease their nerves. Blaire and Raine were definitely on edge about what they would be performing in the physical tests, and Ashley was sweating bullets at the thought of taking the physical exam for Operations after seeing how difficult SciTech's had been.

"Alright everyone, follow me," the same senior agent from before suddenly said as he walked into the room. With a gulp, Ashley, Blaire, and Raine stood up and started making their way over to him. However, without much surprise, William jumped up and cut them off right as they were about to walk out the door.

"Oh my bad," he sarcastically said with an eye roll, "I have problems with being able to see idiots."

Blaire and Raine practically started growling, but Ashley simply smirked. "Oh that must be terrible then," she began.

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