Chapter 16 ~ Duty Calls

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this is...



honestly, I think I was more mad with myself than all of y'all combined. but, math homework and sports is a thing, so there really wasn't anything I could do.

well, without adding on any more to this already stupidly-long wait, let's jump into it.


 "I told you, I'm not okay with this," Natasha snapped, briefly taking her hands off of the wheel to make a wild gesture. All Ashley could do was groan. She was more exhausted than she had ever been before. The flight from D.C. back to Queens has seemed painstakingly long, and on top of that, the teenager was up nearly all night working on homework. Thanks to a good-for-nothing slacker that she had been paired with for a project, she had a lot of work to do in order for it to be presentable for the next day. And now, on top of all of this, Natasha was taking the drive to school as an opportunity to voice her disagreement against Fury's orders.

"Tasha, I already explained this to you. Neither of us have a say in this. Fury needs me on the team."

"D*mn right I have a say in this!" Natasha practically shouted. "Not only am I your S.O., but I'm your..." her voice quavered as she tried to figure out the appropriate term to use, "your legal guardian."

Ashley tried to push back the tiny bubble of disappointment that grew when Natasha said those words.

"So, I'm deciding that you doing something so dangerous this soon is not a good idea. My decision is final."

The icy-haired girl, once again wearing her brunette-to-blonde wig, could only sigh. "As much as I'd like to respect your choice, we both know that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. It's Director Fury's decision."

Natasha bowed her head in defeat. Ashley was right. Once again, she didn't have a say in the things that were happening in her life. Her girl, one of the only things in life that she even cared about anymore, was now subject to dangerous situations. She knew it was her fault. She should've just kept Ashley a secret and not have let her get on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar. If it hadn't been for her reckless actions, Ashley would still be back in their cozy apartment curled up on a couch and practicing her telekinesis abilities with the marshmallows in her cocoa.

But then she wouldn't be able to protect society. She wouldn't have this opportunity to build character and morale. She wouldn't have the chance to become the best person she could ever be.

"Maybe this won't turn out so bad," Natasha managed to mumble out, only half-believing her words. She cleared her throat and momentarily made eye contact with Ashley before commanding. "But you have to promise me one thing."

"And that is?"

"Do not, I repeat, do not do anything reckless. Don't do anything I would do. And don't do anything I wouldn't do. There's a little gray area in there, that's where you operate."

"Um..." Ashley chuckled nervously, rubbing her neck with the palm of her hand. "Okay?"

"Alrighty, well, have a good day at school miss secret spy," Natasha chuckled as she gestured to their surroundings. Ashley hadn't even noticed that they had already pulled into the school parking lot.

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