Chapter 20 ~ Shoulda Listened to That Gut-Feeling

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Hello everyone! Thank you to everyone who votes and comments, it always makes my day and motivates me to update faster :)

"The oh-eight-four?" Fury clarified, but his voice sounded almost meek from Ashley's terrifying aura.

    "The crystal," she repeated. "Where is it?"

    "In storage, where it should be," he cautiously replied, studying her body language closely. To be honest, he was partially expecting the teenager to maul him. "What's it to you, Agent?"

    "It knows something that nobody else does."

    "That's a little vague, don't you think?" He asked, discreetly using the hand closest to his computer to start pulling up all the files they had on the object. Whatever was inside of that thing had turned Ashley half-insane.

    "I'm not half-insane!" Ashley declared, her tone reflecting how offended she felt. "Just upset!"

    "But I never said..."

    "Never mind that," the teenager cut him off, obviously irritated. "If you've got lies, save 'em. I need access to the crystal."

    "Agent Tanner!" Fury suddenly snapped. "You're overstepping your boundaries as a Level Seven Agent. I'm going to ask you only once to refrain yourself and remember that I am the director. Now, if you want to see this crystal again so bad, please inform me of why."

    The icy-haired girl realized that Fury was right. After inhaling sharply to calm herself, she quietly said, "The crystal knows me... and where I came from."

    This piqued Fury's interest plenty. Sure, figuring out where a magic-wielder was from was great, but what Fury took from this was that this could be the answer to the origin of the oh-eight-four. If Ashley could figure out where she used to live and how she was related to the crystal, then perhaps that was also where it came from as well.

    "You can't seriously tell me that the crystal's origin interests you more than mine," Ashley deadpanned, causing another befuddled look from Fury.

    "I didn't say anything!"

    "With all due respect sir, I'm pretty sure that in order for me to hear something you would have to say it first."

    Both were set in their stance. Ashley knew for a fact that he had spoken, but Fury swore that his lips never even twitched. With a shake of his head, he waved the argument off. "So how do you know this about the crystal?"

    "It started with it calling out to me..."

    "Do not tell me you touched the oh-eight-four."

    "I couldn't help it, okay?"

    "Have you never seen a single sci-fi or horror movie?" Fury groaned, leaning back in his seat. "That's the last thing you're supposed to do!"

    "You try having something hypnotize you, 'kay?" Ashley remarked sarcastically.

    "It's called self-control Agent Tanner. Got get yourself some after this," Fury ridiculed.

    Ashley opened her mouth in shock at his playful insult. She went to fire a comeback at him, but he held up his hand to stop her. "I don't have much time. Is there anything else you wished to talk about?"

    "No, I just wanted to see the cryst-"

    "Great. I'll see you later, Agent."


    "Really, I need you to leave. I've got an important meeting in," he paused to check his watch, "seven and a half minutes. Please remove yourself from my office."

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