Chapter 8 ~ Growing Confusion

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So this chapter isn't much but it's kind of gearing up for the main action, which will start in a couple of chapters. And honestly, I'm pumped.

 "But if you added oxygen into the solution, wouldn't the molecules be forced to separate from each other?" Peter asked inquisitively.

"Not necessarily." Ashley shook her head, leaning over from her chair and pointing to notes from a previous day on his desk. "From all other trials and evidence stated, every other element that had been included that has similar qualities had actually strengthened the bond between the different compounds. So, it's only reasonable to believe that oxygen would do the very same. The only potential scenario you would have to be concerned about is if there were halogens in the mixture."

"Which there aren't," Peter concluded, "since iodine would react negatively to the iron in the sample."

Still leaning towards his desk from showing him the notes, Ashley turned her head around to give a smile to him to acknowledge his correct answer. However, the smile was quickly wiped off of her face when she noticed something. "Oh God Peter, are you feeling okay? Your face is unbelievably red."

She returned to her correct posture in her chair, then raised a hand to his forehead. "Heavens, you're burning up Parker. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," he mumbled. "I'm just a little bit steamy in my jacket," he insisted, clawing at his top layer until it slid off.

"If you say so," Ashley wearily replied, still not quite believing his alibi. However, they were in the middle of class, so it wasn't like she really had the opportunity to keep pressing for information. But why else would his face be so red? Had he caught a cold?

Please don't tell me he just gave me a cold, Ashley internally groaned. She was already dealing with plenty between her sporadic modeling sessions, schoolwork, training sessions with Bethany, and practicing her powers. The teenager hadn't mastered them yet in the nearest sense, but she at least had slight control over them. After hours of practice, she had finally managed to be able to lift up a small object and move it around at will.

"Ms. Tanner, would you care to explain why there might be an issue with why a compound like this might not get correctly categorized by the person orchestrating the experiment?"

Ashley's head snapped up from its previously thinking stare. "Um... well... one might not take into consideration what the helium particles do to affect the density."

The teacher thought about her answer for a moment, then gave her an approving nod. "Correct. Not exactly the first answer I would expect from a freshman, but it is brilliant nonetheless. Now, how about you, Mr..."

Now that she knew she was in the clear, Ashley zoned off again. She was still impossibly stumped on how she had the ability to control things using telekinesis. Sure, there were the Avengers, but there were all obvious and simple explanations of how they had their abilities. Captain America gained his from a serum, Iron Man gained his from his intelligence and wealth, the Hulk from an experiment gone wrong, Hawkeye from natural causes and an extremely rare disease, Black Widow from... well... whatever training she had, and Thor from being of alien heritage. However, you take Ashley for example, and there isn't a single reason indicating how she would have this ability.

Of course, there was also the fact that she didn't remember anything about her previous childhood. So either A, she has had her powers from quite some time and never gotten noticed from people in S.H.I.E.L.D., or B, she had gotten her abilities at the same time she had lost her memory.

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