Chapter 19 ~ Her Past?

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Hello everyone! I've been looking forward to this chapter, so enjoy!

Also, if you like this book, make sure to go vote on my announcement. If this one wins, it'll get finished before Christmas!

"This is no place to call home, child."

    The voice had no embodiment, yet it felt as human as anything the girl had ever met before. It's tendrils of energy branched out to her, dancing across her skin like a forbidden fire. She tried to extend her fingers to come in contact with the entity, but it quickly latched onto her arm and jerked her forward.

     Confusion etched itself throughout her features as she staggered forward. She closed her eyes in fright, but when she finally opened them, she was suspended in space. A frost began running up her skin from the cold temperatures of her surroundings.

    "These people around you... they aren't like you. How can you call them family when their blood is not even of your descent?"

    Ashley tried to scream, but her vocal cords were silenced. A panic washed over her as she realized that she was drowning. She clawed at her neck furiously in attempts to inhale oxygen, but nothing was working. At this point, she was writhing around and flailing her arms, though she was getting nowhere from the lack of gravity in space. She didn't even have the strength to answer the crystal's question, which she now assumed to be rhetorical.

    "Lost, yet found. Wild, yet calm. What havoc reeks in your life?"

    The girl thought that if she listened to the voice, she would be pulled back to her previous darkness, but she was deceived. She only continued to choke out until she finally passed out from lack of oxygen. However, the second her eyes faded shut, she awoke suddenly on the ground.

    A glimmer of hope ran through her when she darted her gaze around, but it was drenched just as quickly as it had started. She was still not back in the Quinjet.

    The girl grunted as she pushed herself off the stone floor, trying to ignore the streaks of pain that were echoing through her. She immediately pulled herself into a fighting stance, eyeing her surroundings suspiciously. Something was off... she could tell.

    "Do you not recognize your own past?"

    Ashley visibly tensed at the statement. What was even going on? From what she could tell, this place was not of Earth. The air had a foreign scent, as well as the jaw-dropping advancement of technology. Cars and speeders were flying through the air, and the ground of whatever this place was couldn't even be seen from her position. It just seemed like levels and levels of buildings stacked on top of each other.

    "Hello?" She meekly called out to an alien-like figure. Her skin was a pale blue, and two tails replaced her hair. However, instead of even acknowledging her, she simply walked past. "Wait! Please! I'm lost." The teenager ran up to the woman and attempted to softly grab her arm, but her hand ghosted right through her.

    So what is this then? A vision? A dream? Ashley questioned mentally, glancing down at her own hand. It began to materialize back to a solid form, but nothing would make her forget that she was nothing more than a spirit.

    "Can anybody hear me?" She cried out. If this was linked to her past like the voice said it was, then it was vital that she figured out where she was.

    "Your pleas are silent, yet you are heard. You will find your way home, you just have to believe in yourself."

    Everyone simply just walked past her- or through her, even. Ashley was about to sigh in defeat when one man suddenly halted. He had fairly short brown hair, blue eyes, and a tall stature. He turned around, giving everyone a wary glance. As his gaze fell across Ashley, she jumped and shouted as wildly as she could, but he eventually moved on to a different area. There was a certain sadness that echoed throughout his eyes that chilled her straight to the bone.

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