Chapter 18 ~ The Oh-Eight-Four

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*intense screaming*

it's all coming together guysssssssss

this chapter may or may not seem a little slow (depends on the person really) but it's super important. the next chapter is going to be freaking AWESOMEEE

Also, if you haven't watched Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. before, the term 'oh-eight-four' (0-8-4) stands for object of unidentified origin.

Given that Ashley still wasn't in control of her powers yet, she decided to opt for a more normal route than what the captain had chosen. Yes, she had mentally given herself crap for it, and yes, she really wanted to heroically jump out of the plane as Steve did, but completing the mission safely was her number one priority.

    "Let's head out Rumlow," Ashley instructed, nodding to her team and Natasha before jumping out the back of the Quinjet. The icy-haired girl headed towards the area that the Captain had landed near, whereas the others made their way to their specific landing zones.

    Cold, misty air rushed past her as she observed the nearing deck. After mentally counting down from 20 to five, she pulled the cord on her parachute and used her powers to finish guiding herself towards a certain star-spangled Captain. She grinned to herself as she noticed that he was in a bit of a tight spot: one of the pirates had managed to catch him off-guard and aim a firearm at him.

    "Bouge pas! Bouge pas."

    (Don't move! Don't move.)

    Using her powers to call one of her guns that was equipped with a silencer, Ashley landed as quiet as a mouse and angled her gun towards the back of the pirate's head. Before either of the two people could realize that she was there, Ashley shot the unsuspecting pirate and slightly grinned.

    "Thanks," Steve breathed, relaxing from the tension that had built up and turning around to face Ashley.

    "Yeah," Ashley smirked, detaching her parachute. "You seemed pretty helpless without me."

    Natasha and a couple of other S.T.R.I.K.E. agents landed behind Ashley gracefully, battle-ready and determined. Ashley began picking off a few remaining pirates that had begun to make their way towards the area they were occupying as the Captain returned his shield to his back and began walking away with Natasha.

    "What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems pretty nice."

    "Secure the engine room, then find me a date," Steve grunted.

    "I'm multitasking!" Natasha playfully shot back as she jumped over a guardrail and towards a lower level.

    "No, you're just flirting," Ashley chuckled to herself. While Natasha went to secure the engine room and Steve went to listen in on Batroc's conversation, Ashley looked down at the tracking device on her wrist.

    "Rumlow, you think you have everything in control?" The girl asked as she started making her way towards the direction indicated on her watch.

    "I've got it covered, Agent Tanner. We're acquiring targets right now."

    "Roger that. Keep 'em in line, I've got some loose ends to tie."

    Before her comrade could argue about putting him in charge, she turned off the connection between her and Rumlow and started running towards a stairwell that led towards lower levels of the vessel. She frowned for a moment as she realized that the path indicated on her watch didn't require her going down yet. It was directed to her left.

    With a shrug, Ashley took off at a sprint, occasionally using her powers to enhance a leap or increase her speed. Finally, after landing a strong, seven-foot-high jump over some railing, Ashley hung a sharp left and ducked into an enclosed, office-like room. It was lined from top to bottom with countertops, shelves, and computers, yet there was no sight of the oh-eight-four Fury was talking about.

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