Chapter 6 ~ Rule Number One

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Hello everyone! I'm back at it with another chapter!

If you couldn't guess yet, the outfit is for her training session, not school.

It's also very funny watching everyone in the comments scheme about what's going to happen and if Flash is actually someone else. Guess we'll just have to find out, then!

"I can't believe you just did that," Peter panted incredulously after catching up to Ashley, "I can't believe you just dd that."

"Yeah, I think I caught on the first 12 times you said it," Ashley deadpanned, shifting her folders from one arm to another.

"Sorry, I just..."

"Can't believe I did that?"

"I guess so," Peter grinned sheepishly, then went on to continue rambling in amazement, "I mean, do you even know who he is?"

"A guy who tried to pick up girls by sweet-talking them, since talking is probably the only thing he's actually capable of?" Ashley guessed.

"See?! Just like that! You've barely even met Flash but you can just roast the guy like a bag of marshmallows!"

"I suppose you better keep away from my bad side then, or you'll end up just like him," Ashly advised before ducking into geography class.

"Wait!" Peter exclaimed, following behind her and to his seat, "so I am on your good side?"

Ashley only replied with a shrug and smirk.


"So, how was your first your first memorable day of school?" Bethany asked as Ashley slid into the passenger's seat. The teenager felt a bit of a nosy vibe, but she didn't really mind.

"Interesting, that's for sure. I think this one guy tried to flirt with me, but I killed him. Verbally, of course. And honestly, in my opinion, that guy deserved it."

"That's my Ash," Bethany beamed, giving her an approving pat on the shoulder, "I'm starting to think that we'll get along brilliantly."

Ashley smiled outwardly, but she couldn't help but wonder why Bethany had taken her in the first place. The woman hadn't exactly expressed any interest in being seen as a mother or parental figure. She appeared to be plenty content as a bachelorette.

"Anyways, as I promised, we'll drop by Delmar's and pick up a sandwich. Then," Bethany paused and gave her a side smirk as she drove down the crowded roads, "I think it's about time we put those training shoes to good use."

"About the martial arts," Ashley began, several gears spinning in her head, "I wonder if it'll be like everything else. Like if I'll automatically know everything about it."

"Knowing the moves is one thing," Bethany stated, "actually performing them is the very opposite. You'll need practice and reps if you ever want to even know a few self-defense moves."

"Fair enough," Ashley agreed, "it was just a thought."

After a few moments of silence, which Ashley assumed was Bethany pondering, the brunette opened up again, "Although I will admit, having a head start like that will prove useful. Let's just hope your little theory is right."

"It hasn't proven me wrong yet," Ashley sighed, recalling all of the painful moments during school when her mind would come up with information to shove into her knowledge. She was very grateful for this, since it kind of helped the fact that she had no recollection of anything otherwise, but it was a constant struggle dealing with it.

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