Chapter 5

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Hawks POV:

It's been about a week since I was forced to break up with Iris.


I kept the Commission at bay for as long as I could and still couldn't find a way to continue being with her without telling her what's going on. She doesn't deserve this. Seeing her break down in front of me, watching the sobs rip from her small frame—I almost didn't continue with what I was told to do. I nearly compromised my orders just to hold her and stop her tears.

I have no idea what this is going to do to her. She became who she is today thanks to her training with me and the support of her friends. All she has now are those friends. I'm hoping she's able to forgive me once this is said and done. She's gotta be strong.

I made my way into the meeting room that I had scheduled with the Commission. They started these meetings on a monthly basis to check up on me. At least, that's the crap line they feed me.

I stood in the middle of the dimly lit room, my shoulders back and head held high. Defiant. The man sitting central behind the long table directly ahead of me cleared his throat. "Hawks. For someone who claims to be so fast, and we know you are, you're at least seventeen minutes late." He placed his folded hands on top the table and leaned in towards me. "What is the reason?"

The man staring me down was older, had earrings and a large mole on his chin, something you don't see every day. He went by Pierce. I couldn't stand him.

"Honestly, I didn't feel like coming." I shoved my hands in my pockets as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Is that so..?" Pierce said in a fake-pleasant tone. He scooted himself in closer to the table and neatly refolded his hands in front of him. "We've bent over backwards for you, and you decide to act like a defiant child?" The corners of his mouth twisted up in what passed for a smile with him.

"You gave me an ultimatum. I did what you demanded," I grounded out. My voice dripped with irritation.

One of the women in the group sitting off to the side of Pierce finally spoke up. "Hawks, you must understand.. Think about how it would look if people were to know of the relationship." She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose as she played her trump card. "She's underage."

"She's eighteen," I shot at her. My hands curled into tight fists inside my pockets.

The woman sighed as she continued. "She was underage. That doesn't look good, Hawks. She may be eighteen now, but imagine what were to happen if they checked out her background. Her parents made a deal with All for One. She was supposed to be part of the League of Villains. Her parents betrayed every hero there is for fame and fortune. How do we know she won't do the same? How do we know she's not part of the League already and is pretending to be a hero like they did?"

It sounded like she was reading off a list of possible accusations, not paying attention to the reality of who Iris actually was. "You don't know her. She's not a villain. She's not pretending. You'd know that if you had ever gotten the chance to talk to her!" My voice was getting louder and louder until I was finally shouting in anger.

Pierce held up his hand to stop me in mid-rant. "That's enough, Hawks. The decision has been made. If you have nothing new to report, you're dismissed."

I glared at him and promptly turned to walk out the door. As the doors closed, I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed a number fast and hard.

"Hey, it's me." I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I'm going to keep looking into him. Something's up. I know it." I paused, opening my eyes and staring down at my shoes. I had to ask, even though I knew it would hurt. "You still watching over her?"

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