Chapter 16

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After finally letting all the information given to me sink in, I realized I wouldn't have spiraled to my current mental state if I had read Hawks' mind. I also realized that I wasn't entirely at fault because he could've trusted me enough to let me know and he never did. Kuro could've told me who he was right away as well, but again, never did. So as much as I wanted to blame myself, they were were responsible for a chunk of the blame as well.

I also felt really embarrassed at how desperate I may have seem for any form of affection from Kuro seeing as how I thought Hawks had ended things and hated me. I was still a bit angry that neither of them could've been up front. I don't care about their excuse or reason. If you love or care about someone, you need to tell the truth. I was going to make my anger known. I was done being lied to. I'll do what I need to on my on for a bit. Maybe they'll get the point then.

I was sitting on Kuro's couch, now in my freshly clean clothes and my stomach full from food he so kindly ordered. He hadn't said much since dumping all the information on me. He had also called everyone and gave them updates on me. I was so involved in my own thoughts that I didn't hear if he said anything to me about it. He had just hung up the phone from talking to Mt. Lady when he finally looked over at me.

"You can stay the night if you wish to. It's up to you." He said in passing as he placed his phone on the coffee table and sat next to me. "You still seem upset. We had our reasons for not telling you."

I still was only half listening as I decided to do something I knew would come back on me. I yet again pulled myself into Kuro's lap. He immediately reached to shove me off, his expression annoyed again. I didn't give him the chance as I used my telekinesis to hold him in one spot so he couldn't move. I hovered a few inches from his face as I spoke.

"Did you really think I'd be okay if you spilled the beans to me? I'm so angry right now, you have no idea how angry. I think I'm doing great controlling it seeing as how nothing in your apartment right now is floating in the air yet.. but that's probably because I'm using a good amount of my energy holding you down. So I'm going to make this point to you. I loathe being lied to. I absolutely hate it when people aren't honest with me." I said slowly. I was very angry but very sad to.

My emotions were ripping me apart at this point and I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep a grip on them. He was clearly in a state of shock that I decided to do this but at the same time through gritted teeth still tried to calm me down.

"What your doing right now will have consequences Iris. I know you're angry, but this is now the third time you've assaulted someone. Whether you're in an emotional state or not, it's wrong. Please release me and I'll let it go." He was very direct and firm, borderline harsh with his tone.

I tilted my head as if thinking it through, placing a finger to my lips. "How about.. No. See, I said I was going to make a point. That's what I'm going to do and maybe have a little fun in the process."

I ran my fingers through his hair as I gently place a kiss on his lips. I grinded my hips into his and as I did this, I heard him groan. "Stop. You'll regret it. You know I can't." He grounded out.

"Can't or Won't?" I questioned.

"Both!" He practically yelled.

He clinched his eyes shut as his head fell back against the couch and eyes widened when he saw the real me looking at him as I was watching what was taking place. I laughed a little when I saw the look of realization hit him and he looked back at the fake Iris in his lap. The facade melted away to reveal Toga in my clothes on his lap.

"Surprise!" Toga giggled.

Kuro was still unable to move as he shot me and angry look. "How? When?" Why would you do this?"

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