Chapter 18

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I kept glancing back and forth between Dabi and Toga, wondering how I was going to get myself out of this. You can only do one thing in a situation like this: wing it. Without sparing more thoughts on the what ifs, I reacted.

"I'd say sorry, but I'd be lying," I said with sarcasm. I raised my arms, using my telekinesis to shove them both as far away from me as I could muster.

Toga was hurled back with such force that she made a human-sized crater in the wall. Dabi was thrown clear out onto the street. I would've run, but Kuro told me to stay put. So, I had no other choice but to fight. I continued to hold Toga in place but kept my eye on the street, so when Dabi decided to try to come at me, I would be ready to shove him back again.

I watched out the door as Dabi slowly got up and brushed off his clothes. He turned towards the door, looking straight at me. His lips curled over his teeth in a wicked laugh. I wasn't sure what to think of that—it caused anxiety to well up in me. My attention was so caught up in watching Dabi's vicious laughter that my focus slipped a bit on holding Toga.

"Heads up, Iris!" I heard Toga yell.

I broke my focus on Dabi and whipped my head towards her. She had yanked a large clock off the wall and was in the process of throwing it at me. I tried to dodge it, but it grazed the side of my head and I stumbled backwards. I caught myself quickly as Toga lunged at me repeatedly, brandishing a knife.

"I thought we were friends, Iris!" She laughed maniacally.

I dodged over and over, having no choice but to keep backing up. She wasn't giving me time to focus on her for any amount of time. It was frustrating.

"Friends don't try to kill each other, and they sure as hell don't tell someone they should rape another person!" I yelled back.

I quickly raised both hands, not dodging her knife this time. I focused all my rage into my attack, all of my pent-up disgust and sadness and misery into the blast—I put all that I had left in me out towards her—I didn't hold back this time. I threw her across the convenience store and through one of the walls.

I cheered to myself in triumph as my celebration was short lived when I saw blue out of the corner of my eye.

Dabi's flames..

I pulled a shelf between me and the flames to keep the worst of them from hitting me, but I knew it wouldn't hold long. I pulled another directly in front of me and stopped to briefly look at my surroundings ..and it hit me.

He's trying to block me in.. Okay, Plan B..

I pulled another shelf in front of the other as it put me even closer to the wall, and then shoved all the shelves in Dabi's direction as violently as I could. I sent it straight through the door and wall and Dabi briefly stopped using his flames to jump out of the way. I didn't have many shelves left to use to block his flames. I would have to do what I could until Kuro got here.

The fighting with Dabi continued of for what felt like ages. Toga eventually regained consciousness from my throwing her and stood behind Dabi cheering like an idiot. It seemed like he wasn't putting a lot of effort into any of his shots.

I was stuck in the store and couldn't move around a lot. Weariness and fatigue were setting in; I didn't know how much longer I'd be able to hold out—they were wearing me down. I think that was their plan all along..

This had been going on for nearly an hour and Kuro still hadn't arrived. Authorities were hovering outside, but kept their distance for obvious reasons. I didn't see or hear any heroes nearby that could help me out, either. I hadn't planned on getting stuck, but here I was. I was hiding behind one of the last remaining shelves, sitting down and panting heavily from quirk overuse. I had a massive migraine, and my hands were shaking from my fatigue.

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