Chapter 14

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The sun was already peaking over some of the buildings when I finally got home. I'd thought a lot of things through. I knew at this point, leaving everyone and everything behind to go under deep cover would be best, as hard as it would be to do.

Is it still considered undercover if I've already hurt people..?

As much as I kept telling myself I was undercover, I couldn't help but feel like I was transitioning into becoming an actual villain. Hawks probably hated me now, and Kuro had never really liked me from the start. He just babysat me for Hawks, anyway. My friends just tolerated me for the most part. I bet they got annoyed every time something happened with me.

I sighed to myself as I packed a few things up into a medium sized backpack. I decided to leave the outfit that Toga put together for me on as I went to Mount Lady's Hero Agency. This was stop number one for today. I already knew how this meeting with her was going to go..



Yup. She's angry.

"You blatantly disobeyed me and went undercover into the League of Villains after I told you multiple times not to! Do you know what this means?" She slammed her palms on her desk as her voice got even louder. "It means I have to explain this to Hawks now!" She continued to yell over her desk, leaning on it as I quietly sat in a chair across from her.

"Yeah well, Hawks already knows," I said as a matter of fact. I leaned back in my chair and folded my hands neatly in my lap while she processed this.

The look on her face changed to one of surprise as she stared at me. "He knows and is perfectly okay with this?" She blinked several times like I'd spoken in a foreign language and she was only just now managing to translate it.

I cringed as I answered. "I never said he was okay with it.. In fact, I'm quite sure he's angry with me right now." I flicked some invisible lint off my skirt, trying not to think of the livid look on his face when I last saw him.

Mt. Lady straitened as she crossed her arms. She sat back in her chair and stared hard at me, fury still radiating off her in waves. It took her a few seconds before she spoke. "I can't believe I'm asking this, but have you found out anything useful?"

I nodded slightly as I informed her of everything that had happened since my break-up with Hawks. I felt I had to tell her everything, that way she wouldn't have more questions later about why I said or did certain things. The whole time I was filling her in she seemed to visibly cool off and even started writing a lot of things down into a notebook of hers as I spoke. When I got to the part about what happened last night, she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"You assaulted a hero.. Really, Iris? First Quickstream, and now Hawks?" The agitation was clear in her voice as she rubbed her temples. She sighed hard through her nose and let her hands drop to the desk. She picked up the notebook she'd been recording my doings into and scanned the page, her nose wrinkling as she reread some of the more disturbing details. Her eyes darted from the page to me, then back to the page. Her grip on the notebook tightened when she finally met my eyes again. "Don't you dare think I'm not going to share this information with Hawks or anyone else, because I am. Do you have any idea what sort of trouble you've gotten yourself into?"

I sighed as I looked at her boredly. "So I keep being told, like a broken record. It's getting old."

I regretted my tone immediately when her eyes narrowed. I shot up from my seat and bowed deeply to her. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to help. I know that so many lost their lives or even the drive to be heroes after the Paranormal Liberation Army raid. I know that it was difficult for everyone; it even influenced civilians. I know how important it is to find all of them—Shigaraki and anyone who is associating with them—and lock them up immediately to keep the citizens safe." I paused in mid-rant, thinking about my words before I spoke them. It was important that I addressed this right. "I'll admit, at first my intention was joining the League to hurt Hawks out of spite.. but now that I'm in it, I've thought it through and want to help as much as I can. If you'll still allow me to do so."

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