Chapter 17

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This chapter depicts sexual trauma and has implied rape. If this makes you uncomfortable you may want to skip down to the words 'Pick up the pieces'. I tried to keep it vague because I will not write something like that.

After a minute or two of rummaging through the drawers of the desk, I realized the file I was looking for was actually sitting on top it, thrown haphazardly under a cardboard box that smelled like mildew. I gingerly moved the box to the floor, careful not to disturb the layer of dust that caked on the faux wood surface. I opened the folder and started to go through the paperwork inside. The first thing I noticed were photos. One was of Kuro as Cloak in his hero uniform.

"What the hell..?" I muttered to myself.

I sat it to the side as I pulled another photo from the pile. This one was of Kuro without his hero uniform on. He was in his typical all black clothing and his usual long white coat with gray fur around the edge of the hood. It must've been taken without him knowing, because he was talking to someone in the picture, but they were cut off. I sat that photo next to the other as I started to flip through the papers in the folder.

Most were unreadable because of water damage destroying some of the text and writing, or because it was illegible. I noticed another page detailed personal information about Kuro. It listed his age, weight, height, hair and eye color, as well as bits and pieces of his past. None of his past actually made sense because so much of it was blacked out with 'Classified' stamped on it.

I grew more agitated as I flipped through the papers—that's when I realized there wasn't anything useful in this folder at all. Everything had been altered or marked out on purpose other than the photos. So, whatever Dabi was trying to find out about Kuro, he sure as hell wasn't finding it in this. I smiled to myself, now knowing that Kuro was safe and tried my best to put everything back the way I found it.

I turned to leave and froze when I saw Dabi standing in the doorway. I hadn't even heard footsteps or the door opening. I was sure he was going to kill me this time.. He looked me up and down before shutting the door to the office behind him.

"Curiosity killed the cat.. Sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, I see," he drawled out.

He hadn't moved from the door—he just stood there with his hands in his pockets.

I had to say something believable.

"I was just curious about what was in here is all. I hadn't been in this part of the hotel." I tried to make it seem like I was genuinely interested while doing my best to keep my voice from cracking.

"Cut the shit. You know damn well that's not why you're in here." He rolled his eyes before focusing back on me. "You wanted to know what was in the file I had you and Toga grab. Unfortunately, you must've found out as well as I did that it's a dead end." He just kept staring. I didn't know if he was waiting for me to do something or react or what.

"You think it's a fake?" I asked. Had to see if he'd give me something here.

Dabi shrugged as he took a few more steps towards me. "Possibly." His voice was brisk as he walked over to me. I'd backed up to the point where I bumped into the desk. Dabi lifted his hand to move some hair behind my ear and I could only look down at the floor, too afraid to look up into his eyes. I was so on edge—I wasn't sure what he was going to do. This was his space and my dumb ass invaded it.

I could smell cigarettes on his breath as he inched closer to me. The smell of his generic soap lingered around him. He must have showered recently; I could tell his hair was still damp, too.

"You know, we are alone in this room." He lifted his chin so he could look down at me with heavy lidded eyes. He took a step closer, then another, as I shoved my weight against the desk to get as far away as I could. He reached his arms on either side of me and pressed his palms atop the desk, caging me against it. "I've always wanted to live out my little fantasy with you," he hummed in mock seduction. "There's even a desk I can take you on.." He trailed off, drumming his fingertips on the fake wooden surface.

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