Chapter 6

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The song Sweet Dreams by Emily Browning helped me write this chapter.

The next morning, I got a call from Hado saying she wanted to meet up. She said she wanted to run an errand with me. I couldn't find a reason not to go, so I wearily agreed to meet up with her. After the stress of seeing Dabi yesterday, Mount Lady said I could come in a little later if I wanted. I quickly threw on some pants and a t-shirt, pulling my hair into a ponytail before I headed out. I walked into town, texting Hado to meet me at the edge of Mount Lady's Hero Agency. I was only standing there for about ten minutes when Hado flew down to meet me, fully decked out in her hero outfit.

"Oh, I didn't know you were working today, Hado."

She smiled at me as her feet hit the sidewalk. "It's okay. I got permission to meet you. Now, let's go run this errand, okay?" She jerked her chin indicating the direction she wanted us to head. "I'll walk with you, so just stick with me, alright?" I could see she was nervous, but I couldn't phantom as to why.

I nodded in response and followed her. Morning traffic and the bustling of people up and down the sidewalk was heavily congested due to the still mid-morning hours. Everyone had places to go, people to see.

It was ten in the morning, to be exact.

The sun started peaking over the edges of buildings as it rose higher in the sky. I continued to follow Hado as we came upon a building that seemed eerily familiar. It took me only a few seconds to register where we were at. My stomach jumped into my throat.

I immediately glared at Hado. "What the hell, Hado?" I refused to look up at the towering building. I kept my eyes trained on her. "Why are we in front of Hawks agency?"

She held up her hand to show me the promise ring in the little bag. The reason for this outing finally dawned on me, but why would she force me along with her to return it? The whole point of having a friend give it back for me was so that I wouldn't have to face the fallout myself.

Her brow knit as she tried to shrug off my ever-growing anger. "I thought that maybe you could get some kind of closure, Iris." She bit her lip and ran her thumb over the lump in the small organza bag in her palm as she gazed down at it. "You know.. Maybe talk to him?" She looked back up at me, determination panting her features.

I felt the lump in my throat just thinking about facing him. I didn't think I could handle it.

How was she not aware of that?

"Hado, I don't think this is a good idea.. I know you're trying to help, but.." I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose while I tried to force my stomach back out of my throat.

She stuck her lip out in a pout but finally acknowledged how conflicted I was. "If it doesn't turn out well, we can always leave. It'll be fine."

I opened my eyes and dropped my hand, staring deeply into her gaze.

No Hado, I don't think you're understanding me..

Before I could protest anymore, she pushed open the door and walked in. I hesitantly followed.

I parked myself firmly by the door while she walked over to the receptionist, who looked like she had just clocked in for the day. I couldn't make myself pay attention to whatever Hado was saying rapidly to the receptionist. I was busy studying everything I could possibly see out the large windows next to where I was. Anything going on out there had to be a thousand times safer than this.


"Hey Iris, the receptionist called up to his office and he's coming down to talk to us." Hado waved at me while she bounced on the balls of her feet. "Isn't that great?" She seemed far too excited for this disaster.

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