Chapter 19

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Third Person's POV

Tired. Tired is what Ciara felt. The driver has been driving her around the city for hours. She didn't know where to go.

Ciara knows it was an accident, but she was hurt that he physically hurt her. What if he does it again? But on purpose. She thought.

She licked the dried blood off her lips. Her bottom lip was so sore she put pressure on it. Ciara looked at the beautiful city and landscapes, forgetting about everything. It was pouring down rain.

"Miss, is there anywhere you would like to go" the driver said. " I can't drive you around forever".

Ciara groaned. " I don't know where else to go" she mumbled.

The driver felt bad for her, but he knew he had to take her back. "You know I'm gonna have to drive you back there, right" he said.

Ciara frowned and looked back at the window. "Okay" she whispered. The driver turned the car back around and headed back towards the house.


Roman paced back and forth as he waited for someone to call if they found her. Everyone has gone home now. It was just him, his grandmother, and the house keepers.

It has been more than 2 hours since she's been gone and it was killing him.

"Maybe if you kept your hands to yourself this wouldn't happen" his grand mother Helga said.

"It was an accident! He yelled. Helga kept quiet she knew not to test her psychotic grandson, so she left the room.

Roman was angry at himself. He never meant to hit her. And definitely not give her a busted lip.

He sat down and put his head in his hands. He just wants to hug her and tell her how sorry he is for hitting her.

Someone knocked on the door and walked over to open it. It was his grandma. "She's here" she said. Before Roman could run out the room she stopped him. "Give her time, I put her in a guest bedroom to rest, just wait until she is ready to see you" she said.

"I don't give a fuck let me see her" Roman said. He was upset that Ciara didn't want to see or talk to him.

"No Roman, she is not ready to talk you"

"What room is she in? Roman asked Helga. " I'm not telling you." She said and walked away.

Roman slammed the door shut and yelled in frustration. He wanted to apologize to her and tell her he would never do it again, but he doesn't know if he can keep his word.

Taking off his tie he threw it on the floor and walked out the room. He didn't care what Helga said, he wanted to see Ciara.

Knocking on every bedroom door he went on the other side of the hallway and knocked on one of the doors hoping she would open the door.

Finally Ciara opened the door slowly and quickly slammed the door shut. She didn't want to hear his lame ass apology.

"Ciara, please open the door so I can talk to you I'm sorry"Roman said. Ciara ignored him and continued to watch tv.

"Ciara" Roman said knocking again. Roman took a deep breath and tried to control himself from knocking the door down.

"Ciara I will not stop bothering you until you open this door" Roman said sternly. He kept banging his fists on the door.

She finally had enough and aggressively opened the door. Roman was shocked when he saw her bruised lip. He didn't mean to hit her or expect it to go that far.

He brought his thumb over her lip and lightly touched it. She quickly slapped his hand away. "I know your mad at me, but can we please talk?" He asked her. "Sure"

Roman stepped into her room and closed the door. "Look I know I sometimes can be a little harsh on you, but I swear I never wanted to hit you like that it was an accident, I swear" he said.

Ciara tried so hard not to cry but she let it all out. Roman hugged her small body rubbing her back.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked her. "No I don't" she said and walked over to the side of the bed, taking off her dress.

She didn't fall for his shitty apology. She knows something like that will happen again. Ever since they met all he's ever done was abuse her and make her feel like shit.

Roman let out a sigh. He wanted her to say yes.

"We should go to sleep" he said. "Our flight is at 4 in the morning" he said yawning.

Roman was going to get in the bed with her but Ciara kicked him. "Your not sleeping here, get out" she snapped. He didn't argue and quietly left the room.

He hopes things between him and Ciara get better. All he wants is for her to love him back.


Helga's POV

I watched as my grandson left her room. He doesn't ever listen to me. He sure as hell doesn't deserve a beautiful kind girl like her.

Everyone at the funeral had something to say about her, but I just sat there and listened.

My now dead husband would not be happy if he was alive. Edward would not like it if his grandson brought home a black girl.

He wasn't racist, but wouldn't like it if a black girl was to be the second command of this Mafia. Edward would probably have killed her.

There has never been a black girl to be in this crime family. If Roman ever marries her she would officially be part of this family, and the first black woman to be apart of the crime family in London.

No one likes the idea, but I do. This family doesn't always have to have only white people.

I got up from my office chair and threw the rock crystals away and the cocaine. The ones I drugged my husband with. He had to go. And no one needs to know that I killed my husband.

I pulled out a cigarette and put it between my lips lighting it with my lighter. I've dealt with that son of a bitch long enough. He was getting old anyway.

Walking back to my chair I pour my self some liquor. Me and Edward has been married since the late 70s. Those days were good.

I take a hit of my cigarette remembering the old times. And remembering the time he cheated on me with the maid in 1983. I killed that whore right after. Me and Edward always had a love hate relationship. But the past 12 years turned into nothing but hate. That man has done nothing but put me through hell.

He was the main reason why my grandson hates me.

I look at the beautiful view outside. I feel happy and free, now that my husband is dead.


This is grandma Helga

This is grandma Helga

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