Chapter 16

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Waking up I turn around and see Roman sleeping next to me. I check my phone to see what time it is and went to the bathroom.

After doing my business I went back to lay down.

"Good morning" Roman said rubbing his eyes. I really wish he didn't wake up so early, I don't want to deal with him right now or even look at him.

I just rolled over to the other side ignoring him.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He said scooting closer to me. Not saying anything back I went on my phone.

Roman got up to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I honestly don't care if he's mad or not, I don't want to be anywhere around him anymore.

I got up to put on my all black silky robe and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Thank god he is in the shower. After taking care of my hygiene I got dressed in skinny black jeans and a white long sleeve crop top.

Roman came out of the bathroom and was just in a towel. He kept staring at him but I ignored his intense stares. He went in his closet and got dressed. I heard him move the hangers off his rack aggressively.

Roman came out and walked towards me. I scooted back back towards the headboard.

" Do you like making me mad? Huh?"he said getting closer. I shook my head no. Roman roughly grabbed my arm to bring me closer to him. "When I tell you something you do it" he said pointing his finger at me. I just rolled my eyes and turned my head back to the tv.

"That is gonna be your last time you disrespecting me. Understand?" He said being aggressive. I didn't say anything and ignore him. He twisted my arm and I yelled in pain.

"Ow. Okay Yes" I whispered. He let go of my arm. "And stop ignoring me" he said.

"By 5:30 I want you dressed" he said walking out the room. Roman slammed the door shut and left the house.

I payed back down rubbing my arm. My arm is slowly healing from when Roman pushed me to the ground.


Third Person POV

In the gym Roman pushed him self up and down the metal bar, his breathing getting heavier and heavier as he lifts himself up and down.

His muscles flexed after each lift. He wanted to clear his mind before he takes Ciara on a nice little date he set up just for her. He wants to make this night special since he fucked it up last time.

Everything she said last night made him feel guilty to what he has done and said to her. All he wants is  her all for himself. And he won't let  no one get in the way. Not even Carlos.

Last night he didn't like the look in Ciara's face when she told him how she felt. When she left him that one day, he realized he loves her. Like deeply in love with her. All he wants in return is her love.

Tonight he will tell her he loves her.

After fourteen lifts later he dropped himself to the ground gently and took a deep breath, Taking a sip of water.

Roman looked at the time and saw it was five o'clock. Only 30 minutes left for him to get dressed. But first he wanted to do one more thing before getting in the shower. Going towards the basement he slammed it opened and walked down the stairs.
"Rise and Shine" he said turning on the light.

Michael squinted his eyes trying  to adjust the light. He wants to kill the son of a bitch, but he's tied to the chair. Michael's left eye was swollen he could barley open it.

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