Chapter 13

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I can't take this anymore I need to leave. This place is smothering me. It's been a week since the Halloween party and things between Roman and I haven't been good.

I was sitting on a comfy chair by the huge window in our room. Thinking, I was thinking about what am I going to do.

I've made my decision and decided I want to end things between us, but I know he wouldn't allow that.

Roman has been so rough with me yelling at me non stop. He said if I disobey him again he won't be gentle this time. I can't handle this anymore.

Rubbing my arms to keep myself warm I wince out in pain. I look down and see a dark bruise on my upper arm. I look at my bandaged arm and see it is still healing.

Tears run down my face as flashbacks of 2 days ago came to my mind.


I heard Roman yelling in his office so I went closer to the door and listened.

"I DON'T CARE KEEP LOOKING!" I heard him yell.

Seconds later I heard a glass bottle smash on the ground.

"Find him, then bring him to me before he fucks up more of my shit" he said yelling into his phone.

I think he's talking about Carlos.

Knocking on the door I asked him if I could come in. He opened the door and I walked in the office.

Grabbing a beer out of his mini fridge he took a large sip.

"Roman-" Before I could say anything else he through the beer on the ground. That's the second time he has done that. He can't be that mad.

"Shut Up, just Shut up" he said walking closely towards me.

"This is all your fucking fault, if you never helped that son of a bitch escape I wouldn't be having this problem" he said, yelling at me.

"I will fucking show you to not disobey me again"! He yelled.

I hate when he yells at me.

"Please stop yelling at me I told you that I'm sorry" I said crying.

"Don't give me that bullshit and start crying, Stop playing the victim all the time." he said.

He roughly grabbed my arm and started shaking me. I cried even harder.

"What, you still have feelings for him" he said raising his voice.

"No I don't" I said shaking my head.

"Well guess what you will never ever be with him!"  he said, yelling in my face

"Roman let go your hurting me"I said. I hit his chest repeatedly trying to remove myself from his grip. I then hit him in his mouth, but didn't mean to.

Roman threw me on the floor and I landed on the glasses of the bottle he threw on the ground earlier.

I screamed out in pain and started crying harder. My arm was hurting so bad. Little bits of glass were   sticking out my arm. I saw blood was dripping down my arm like a water fountain.

He has never hurt me like this before.

Roman looked at me in shock.

"Fuck!" he screamed and kicked the wall.

Roman walked towards me and squat down. His eyes were glossy like he was about to cry.

"Baby I- I I'm so sorry" he said hugging me. I just sat there crying on his chest as he just held me.

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