Chapter 3

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Ciara's  POV

1 week later

It's been a week now since the traumatizing incident. I didn't tell no one what I saw last night because I was afraid he was watching me. Iv'e been feeling like I am being watched and it creeps me out. I keep seeing this black expensive looking car everywhere I go or maybe it's someone who lives on Campus. I'm just being paranoid.

After what happened in the alley I ran back to the party and told Ari and Danielle that Eric tried to rape me. They immediately called the cops and he was arrested. The cops asked if I wanted to press charges and I said no. Eric apologized and said he was high on drugs and I didn't want to ruin his whole life. He is now suspended for a month and kicked off the basketball team.

That was the literally the worst night ever I'm still frightened about what happened with that old man he didn't deserve to die that way. The memory is still fresh in my mind and is sickening. I have been avoiding Danielle and Ari but they still come check up on me and I appreciate that.

Ugh. I have been slacking all day I'm gonna get ready for my classes. Every morning I walk the campus with Danielle and Ari and sometimes Ace my new friend. He's gay and is in all my classes he makes me laugh. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Looking through my medium small closet I pick out a yellow romper and white vans. I put my hair in a half up half down and leave one peace of hair out. Grabbing my book bag, charger and phone I head out the door.

          (That's not the main character that's just a model,picture Ciara wearing the outfit)

          (That's not the main character that's just a model,picture Ciara wearing the outfit)

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"Good morning ya'll" I said. "Good morning" Danielle and Ari said as I met them down the stairs. "Is Ace coming to star bucks with us" I said. "Yes but he will be running a little late." Ari said. "Ok". Walking across the street from campus we go in the store and order our drinks.  Danielle got a white chocolate mocha, Ari asked for the Vanilla bean frappucino and I got my favorite extra Caramel frap. Then Ace came in running late sweat dripping off his forehead.

"Oops sorry hoes but a bitch got to get his beauty rest" he said out of breath. We all laughed. "Damn ya'll ordered without me and didn't wait" Ace said. "Yes cause you was taking way to fucking long" I said. "Fuck you" he said. "Fuck you" I said back. After he ordered his pink drink we all walked out enjoying the weather and talking.

Ari and Danielle left us and went to their classes and it was just me and Ace cause we in the same class. While day dreaming and looking in the sky I got a text message.

Unknown: Good Morning baby girl.

I looked at my phone confused.

Me: Who is this ?

Unknown: Don't worry about it why don't you tell me who's your boy toy.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. I looked around and I couldn't see anyone suspicious

Me: its none of your business. Now who is this?

Unknown: It is my fucking business and tell me who the fuck he is or I will kill him!

Me: No please don't he's my friend and he's gay. That's it.

Unknown: See that's all you had to just don't make things difficult  next time I'm a very impatient man.

Unknown: see you soon baby girl.

Tears were in my eyes so i wiped them away. "Oh shit  Ci you okay" Ace asked worried. "yeah I'm fine lets just go to class." I said and we went to our first period. I blocked the unknown number and thought what if it's him.

Roman's POV

It's been a week later and I've been watching Ciara  all week long. I know everything about her. Her hobbies, her school schedule, her dorm number, favorite color, and favorite food. I've been more interested than her than any other girl I've seen and she's so beautiful I never been so attracted with someone and it feels fucking amazing. I watched her go to her class with her little friend. I was so angry at the thought of her talking or with any other man I wanted to kill any fucker who even looked at her.

When I found out that fuck boy Eric assaulted her that night I had my men take him to the estate and put him in the basement. I have been torturing him  all week and I loved every last bit of it because no one touches what is mine and mine ONLY. He has been begging me to kill him cause he can't take the pain.

I was only watching her to see if she went to the police but I guess not. Now I'm falling for her .

Fuck, she's even my wallpaper on my phone.

When she was in class I snuck into her dorm and stole a few of her panties. My dick got hard thinking of her wearing them.

I also stole a few bras too.

I watched her as her caramel skin beamed in the sun with her yellow romper on. She looked so good in yellow. I want her so bad and no one is going to stop me.

I keep staring at her thinking of all the things I'm going to do to her.

Every night I watch her and make sure she goes to her room safely.

The terrified look on her little face as I saw her read the texts mad me chuckle. I can't wait to see the look on her face tonight when I claim her as mine.

See you soon baby girl.


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