Chapter 23

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April, 20th

She is so beautiful and sexy. She just doesn't know it.

I was standing behind a building watching Ciara walking with her friends to class.

The bitches I told her to stay away from. She never listens.

When I get bored or have nothing else to do I come to her school and watch her. It's my favorite thing to do.

It's been a while since I took my medicine. I'm still the same as last time when I was taking my medicine so I don't know why it's such a big deal. That medicine doesn't do shit. She even asked me to go see a psychiatrist.

Me and Ciara got into a heated argument this morning when she found out I stopped taking my medicine. We argued for a good hour until I told her to get out of my sight.

After that she didn't talk to me and didn't respond to my messages, so I stopped by to see what she's doing.

Besides the arguing me and her had lots of sex after our first time having sex with each other. We would have sex in our room, the shower, living room, kitchen, in my office, or on the patio outside. My favorite is the shower.

I start to get  hard just thinking about it. She is my everything.

After a long time day dreaming I realize another guy is talking to Ciara and starts to touch her arm.

I should cut his fucking arm off. Who the hell does he think he is touching my woman. I want his blood on my hands now.

I start to walk towards the both of them. I quickly snatched Ciara away from him and knock him the fuck out. Everyone's eyes was on me, but I don't give a fuck.

"Why would you embarrass me like that!" she yelled.

"Get the fuck in the car!" I told her. She immediately obeyed. I get in and slam the car door shut. I was so angry. I so badly want to rip that fuckers head off.

How dare she ignore my texts, then flirts with another boy.

"How fucking dare you ignore my texts and let a boy touch you!" I scream in her face, grabbing the back of her neck.

"I fucking love you and this is how you do me!" I yell. She then starts the cry. She doesn't deserve to cry, I do.

"I wasn't flirting with him, he was just being nice" she said giving me a lame ass excuse. Being nice my ass.

"You see how you act, I was ignoring you because you would not take your medicine" she said. She has a point.

"Ciara I told you I am the same person even when I do take my med- . She cuts me off before I even finish my sentence.

"No your not, your aggressive and more crazier when you don't!" She yelled. "If you don't take your medicine I will leave you and that's a promise." She said seriously.

And that's when I lost it.

I put both of my hands on her neck and start choking her. That is my biggest fear. I never want her to leave me. EVER!

"You can never leave me, I will kill you and me before you even get a chance to!" I yell, squeezing harder.

She tries to talk but know words come out. I'm so angry and scared I can't get myself to stop.

Ciara tries scratching my hand, but that doesn't work either.

I snap out of it and let go of her neck. Ciara gasps for and starts coughing uncontrollably. She then starts to cry.

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