The Life Of Balloon (S:1 Ep:10) Missing Princess

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[In the morning]

Freddy: Good morning Balloon, Breakfast is served at the diner table.

Balloon: Thank you...


Freddy: Good morning your majesty-

[her bed is empty]

Freddy: Uhhh, your majesty?


Balloon:[eating her food] I wonder why the princess isn't here yet? She wasn't late on her schedule before...

"Hello there Balloon. Say where the princess is, she wasn't late for breakfast before."

Balloon: I have no idea Ms. Cheryl, I wonder where she has gone...

Ms. Cheryl Anyways, you're about to be late for school. You should hurry.

Balloon: Ok.

(At school. Balloon didn't do her classwork, her lunch, and not speaking to her friends. She was concerned about Beth not coming to school with her and not waiting for her after school. So she went to the castle and saw the royal guards, butlers, maids, and chef went missing. And realized that they went to a meeting to find the princess, as she ear dropping .)


Freddy: BUT HOW? We don't know where she has gone, she didn't leave a mark.

Mrs. Jackson: Maybe she uses her teleportation magic...

Balloon:[whispered] Teleportation magic?

Captain James: It doesn't matter. We have to find her before it's too late.

Balloon: [in her mind] I'm gonna find the princess... But how?

(Then she realized something... she had wings, and she gathered her supply of stuff she might need. And begin to leave the kingdom for the first time.)

Balloon: Okay... so fall, glade, and fly. Easy...

(So Balloon falls down the rooftop and begins to fly wobbling. She began to search around the kingdoms, other places, and also... her home.)

Balloon:[gasped] my home.

[at the distance]

Balloon: There she is!...Huh? She's spying on my uncle? I guess I could check it out.

"Happy birthday Ronald!"

Balloon: [in her mind] Oh crumbs! it's my uncle's b-day!! But... why is she staring at my uncle...

Beth: Balloon... you can come out now.

Balloon: [shocked] H-How?

Beth: Future vision...

Balloon: Where were you? Everyone in the kingdom we're worried about you even the people from the castle is looking for you...

Beth: Odd... I left a note on the table and nobody has seen it?

Balloon: I never saw the note.

Beth: Oh, I probably forgot about it... [sigh]

Balloon: Why did you leave the castle...

Beth: Because this is my last time I'm seeing your uncle in this place... I'm not going to visit here anymore...

Balloon: but I made a promise for you to see my uncle again...

Beth: Yeah but when I die, you're going to visit him for me and a special person with you.

Balloon: Who is this special person?

Beth: Nevermind... The point is that I don't think I have any more time left when you grow up.

Balloon: [Tearing up] Well, at least you'll see me grow up?

Beth: Yes, from above, from the grass, flowers, buildings, and your heart...let's go home.

[at night]

[Dear Uncle Ronald,
Today was a shocking day, I forgot about your birthday!!! But my teacher reminded me about your birthday. Since it's been about 2 months now I decided to pick out a gift for you (also my teacher helped me) So I hope you like it.

Sincerely, Balloon.
P.S happy birthday.!]

(she sent the letter and the gift to a small bird and sent it away to her uncle's house.)


Ronald: What a crazy day that scary scientist almost made the population into babies. Thank goodness Hamburglar knows how to aim.

Sundae: Surprisingly.

Ronald: But It was the best birthday ever!

Sundae: Hey Ronald there's a gift and a letter for you...

Ronald: who is it. Is it from my parents?

Sundae: No... It's from... Balloon...

Ronald: Balloon? What does it say?

Sundae:  She forgot it was your birthday day. But says she wishes you a happy birthday and she gave a gift for you

Ronald: Oh, what's in the gift?

Sundae: I have no idea. Open it.

(Ronald opened the gift that was given to him. The gift inside is two different gemstones necklace what was connected together that the color is blue and pink)

Ronald: Thank you balloon. I'll never forget this.

(The end of episode 10)

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