The life of balloon(season:2 episode:10)(the royal prom)

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(9 months later)

(the school bell rings)

Balloon: I can't believe it's been 9 months already. I wondered if we were going to be royals soon...

Diamond: Butterfly and I are already royal, but you guys are gonna love it...

Balloon: When is the last day of school?

Diamond: in 2 weeks. But today is going to be a special day...

Balloon: Why is that-

(bumps into Skull)

Skull: Watch it! Oh, hey balloon... and Diamond, sorry about that...

Balloon: It's okay, I was distracted...

Skull: So what are you guys talking about?

Diamond: I was about to tell Balloon that we're going to have a special day...

Balloon: Which is????

Diamond: A royal prom!!!

Balloon: What's a prom?

Skull: a prom is a school party for students and a celebration of the end of the school year... But this prom is a royal thing which means we're going to Princess Beth's castle in the ballroom to celebrate there...

Diamond: So, Skull...~ who are you taking to the prom?~

Skull:(blushed hard) O-Oh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I HAVE TO GO NOW... bYE!!

(Skull left in a rush)

Balloon: Huh? I wonder who is going with him...

(in the castle)

Background: Ow!!! Too tight...

Balloon: Uhhh, your majesty?

Beth: Oh hey Balloon, Ready for your first time at prom?

Balloon: Yeah, But I don't know what to wear, I didn't pack any of my dresses back at home...

Beth: Don't worry, I found an old dress that I use to wear when I was in the royal prom

(a pink and blue dress with flower petals)

Balloon: Oh wow! It's beautiful... thank you...

Beth: Yeah you're welcome, just tell me if you need-

(one of the maids pulled the strings to her corset)

Maid#9: Oops, Sorry your majesty...

Beth: It's okay, It's just I hate corsets...

Balloon: I'll leave... now

(balloon left)

Beth: (sigh)

Maid#9: Oh, your majesty... One of the kings from the next land wants you to have a chat with him...

Beth: Oh no, is it the king who didn't find a queen and had a huge crush on me?

Maid#9: I mean he's kinda handsome...

Beth: I- (sigh) yeah, he is handsome... but I don't want to talk to him...

Maid#9: Oh come on, ~you can show off your dress to him.~

Beth: Yeah no. That's never going to happen... But I'll think about talking to him. What time did he want to meet up?

Maid#9: at 4:00 pm at the Gods Garden...

(time: 2:00 pm)

Beth: Ok then...

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