The Life Of Balloon (S:1 Ep:2) Story Telling

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Balloon: Well this view is beautiful, Do you have any stories to tell?

Beth: Well there's one. It's about me when I own this kingdom and meeting your uncle. You see, a long time ago when I met your uncle, My dad didn't like him very much. Since then I ran away at the age of 16, I started my kingdom. Making it is like a dream come true. I wanted this so much that I wanted to help people. That's when I wanted to meet your uncle where you live. Then my dad found out and traveled with a Prince I didn't like.

Balloon: What's his name?

Beth: His name is Prince Andrew. We been arranged for marriage at the age of nine. When My dad and Prince Andrew found me and wanting me return home to the marriage but I refused. Then my dad started a war. And I murder my father...

Balloon: WHAT!

Beth: Look, I didn't have a choice, It's the only way to be free... Well, I used to...

Balloon: What do you mean?

Beth: Since I murder my father... I've been killed off by Prince Andrew. The next thing I knew is when I became a god. And here we are.

Balloon: Wait, so that means.... Your DEAD?!

Beth: No, No- Well when you put that way then yes. But I'll still be alive if I accomplish my mission. I still have 100 years left and 10,000,000 hours. So technically I have time.

Balloon: And have my uncle know about this?

Beth: Sadly no. I can't talk or meet him anymore. I'm scared he'll try to trap me and destroy my wings. And I won't be able to survive.

Balloon: That's not true, My uncle will never do that. He will understand.

Beth: No kid that never works like that. Sure he can understand. But can't I trust him. Who knows what he'll do to me. Like someone did to my.....Friend.

Balloon: [silent]

Beth:[looks at her] But hey, Maybe someday I'll meet him I just know it. Now come on its way past our bedtime.

Balloon: But before I'll go, can I ask you a question...

Beth: Yes?

Balloon: Can I be able to write letters to my uncle....

Beth: [....] S-Sure. But don't tell him I am here with you, Okay?

Balloon: Okay.


Balloon: [breathing in and out] Okay here we go.

[Dear Uncle Ronald, I'm having so much fun here, I wanted to make sure if you'll be able to be happy without me. I know you'll be super protective around me but I can handle it now. I wish you the best of luck and love.

Sincerely Balloon. P.S I miss you.]

Balloon: Here little birdie, Sent to McDonald land.

(Since Balloon sent a letter to her uncle. Ronald is still depressed about Balloon leaving. And laying on his bed and holding Balloon's favorite bow.)

Sundae: Hey Ronald there's a letter for you.

Ronald: [depressing voice] Yay.... another letter from the gang again isn't it?!

Sundae: No... It's from... Balloon.

Ronald:[jumping out of bed] What! Let me see that.

(Ronald then read the letter and realized that Balloon is in a better place now.)

Ronald: Balloon... Is in a better place now without me... Maybe that Star story doesn't work anymore for her. [sigh] Well I need something to forget all Balloon's things... But how?

Sundae: Adventures?

Ronald: Yes. We'll go on some adventures from now on...


Balloon: [in her mind] I hope he's in a better place now... I just know it.


Beth: [sigh] I don't know what to do anymore, what should I do?

"Just leave her in this castle and run away to a faraway place and leave a better life without her and Ronald."

Beth: What!? N-No I wouldn't do that because she's young on her own. And I don't want to talk about Ronald anymore. I just don't know what to choose.

[Beth started to walk away.]

"You can choose your life."

Beth: My life is gone now. I only want my family. But what about-

"FORGET HER! She'll be out of your way and she'll distract you by your work and wishes, do you want that to happen 10 years ago!"

Beth: N-No.

" If you right want to see them again. Do the right thing [10x].

Beth: Do the right thing...

(The end of episode 2)

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