The Life Of Balloon (S:1 Ep:3) The Challenge

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(In 1970 at McDonald land, It was a cold winter night and a woman was about to give up her baby to a house that happens in the first story. BTW Balloon doesn't know that she was left abandoned.)

"I'm sorry baby but this is your good and we don't need you anymore, let's see, Uhm.... That house."

(She walks around the house and leaves her baby on the front door as she looks over at the window and sees Ronald talking on the telephone.)

Ronald: Yeah, uhh... I'll be there at that disco party, Birdie... I know birdie I won't be later... Ok. 

"oh dear, Uhm, I'll ring the doorbell to get to that door."

(As she rang the doorbell, She left a note and started to walk away. Meanwhile, Ronald heard the doorbell and began to walk to his door. When he opens the door and sees the baby and decides to bring the baby inside.)

Ronald: oh dear, what do I do? I know! I'll call my friends and my parents to help me. Don't you worry little one, we'll help you.


Ronald: Hey gang, I need your help, you see-

[The baby crying in the background]

Young Birdie: Is that... a baby?

Ronald: yes...

(The gang rushed in and saw the baby and began to surround her.)

Bozo: it's a girl...

Cerise: [in sign language] she's beautiful.

Grimace: look at Duh eyes.

Hamburglar: her eyes are blue and pink.

Birdie: her hair is so soft... Softer than a cloud of cotton candy!

Sundae: I want to see...

Ronald: Wait. There's a note.

Nugget 1: what's it say, Ronald?

[Note: Dear Ronald this is your niece. Be careful she's fragile and in danger. We no longer want this child because we don't want kids anymore. Sincerely...]

Ronald: the name is smug and I can't tell if the writing.

Bozo: what are we going to do with the baby?

Ronald: [inhale] I'm going to take care of her... From now on...

[Present Day]

Balloon: and that's where I got my name from.

Beth: Wow, have you ever met your grandparents?

Balloon: yeah sometimes, But I believe they don't know I'm far away from home.

Beth: Wow what an amazing story Balloon....

Balloon: do you have any more stories to share?

Beth: No, I contain my backstory a secret, how I was born, growing up on my own, having a kingdom without any help, you know those kinds of secrets. Now come on, you're going to be late for school.

Balloon: I'm ready.... [in her mind] what does she mean about her backstory is a secret? Did she do something.... Bad?

[Meanwhile at front of the school]

Balloon: well, See you in the afternoon.

Beth: See you in the afternoon.

[in the lockers]

"look this must be a big misunderstanding..."

Balloon: huh?

Skull: listen! I'm the head student, and you're not, You'll do exactly what I say, you got that!

Balloon: leave him ALONE!

Skull: the new student wants to be a part of this too huh...

Balloon: [Bravely standing up.]

Skull: Well... Balloon, why are you standing up from him? What, want to be a part of the act?

Balloon: No, I want you to leave him alone-


Balloon: Why are you being a jerk!

Skull: Because I can get whatever I want! Unlike you. You been chosen to come here so you take the spotlight and being a goddess. A worthless Goddess that doesn't know how to protect her family and leaving them behind.

Balloon: You Think I can't protect myself or anyone I care. Well then...Skull Death, I challenge you to an archery duel!

Skull: [walking towards her...] Okay...Let's set the award of this duel... shall we?

Balloon: 1, If I win, you're going to apologize to this student, 2 you'll stop bullying the students of the school including me.

Skull: Fine by me, But if I win you're going to be my servant of the school forever.

Balloon: Fine.

Skull: the deal is sealed. Let's see what kind of person you are, Bet you're going to crawl back to your uncle when you lose this challenge.... [Walked away]

Phone: Balloon! Why did you do that!

Balloon: Because he's been an idiot for thinking that I'm the best architect ever. I'll show him that I can protect everyone I care about.

Phone: Oh boy...

(The end of episode 3)

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