The Life Of Balloon (S:1 Ep:4) The Dual

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Beth: [humming]

"[running tours Beth's office]"

" [panting] Principal Beth! Skull and Balloon are having an archery duel."

Beth: What!


Phone: Balloon, I don't think this is a good idea...

Money: Yeah Skull will destroy you with his good aiming targets

Balloon: Don't worry I can handle it besides what's the worse it can happen?

[Skull aiming the targets 20x]

Balloon: Oh...


[opening the doors hard]

Beth: BALLOON! What's the meaning of this!? Why did make a duel with Skull?!

Everyone: "Oh crumbs...."

Balloon: Your majesty... uh... I can explain it. You see, Skull being a jerk, be bullied a student and I told him to stop and then he said-

Beth: Stop... I don't care who started it. Right now, you have to win for sure.

Balloon: W-What?

Beth: Let me explain...When a  student duels another student in any contest, the winner stays in the school. The other would leave this school and return home.

[flashback: Bet you're going to crawl back to your uncle when you lose this challenge.....]

Balloon: uh oh...

"Boys and girls, the archery duel will start in 20 seconds, place your bets, everyone! Good luck!"

"10, 9, 8, 7...."

["6, 5"]

Balloon: [breathing in and out]

"4, 3, 2, 1, 0!"


"Balloon started aiming three targets perfectly and started doing the fourth one. But skull started aiming five targets perfectly and did the seventh....Oh boy! Skull is aiming the target at full speed in breaking the world record! 10 more to go and the winner stays this school."

The whole school: Skull! Skull! Skull!

"5 more targets!"

Skull: You're going down!

Balloon: I don't think so...[Used two arrows]

"Oh my Goodness! Balloon is using two arrows instead of one! Is that even in the rule book?"


Balloon: Huh?

Skull: you can't use two arrows! You're cheating!

Beth: He has a point.

Balloon: Look, I didn't know that. I'm freaking new here. I don't even know the rules-

Skull: Nobody will believe that ridiculous lie. [Walked away]

[A light glides at Balloon's eyes]

Balloon: Wait! What's that around your neck?

Skull: N-nothing! It's not your business!

Balloon: Is that a Necklace with an eye on it?

Skull: What! No.

Beth: Why would skull wear a necklace?

Skull: I would never were a necklace...

[ A piece of paper falls off skull's shirt.]

Balloon: [picks up the paper] What's this?

Beth: Let me see that...

Skull: Wait!


The whole school: [Shocked]

Phone: He cheated...

Skull: No...I can explain! [run away]

Balloon: Skull wait.

[Balloon chases skull and tries to help him out.]

Balloon: Skull, I'm sorry

Skull:  just leave me ALONE!

Balloon: I didn't mean to upset you.

Skull: Do you have any idea how angry I am! You destroy everything from me!

Balloon: My sorry alright-

Skull: I don't want your stupid apology! I want you gone! I don't know why I'm talking to a loner Uncle's niece that doesn't know how to mind someone else's business! You think your special because you have a loving family who is far away from and misses you because you abandoned them- Huh!

Balloon: SKULL!

Skull: WHAT!

Balloon: [Calmed herself] Look, I know that you're upset but I'll confront the princess to stay at this school and I'll stay at the castle for 3 weeks. Okay?

Skull: R-Really?

Balloon: Yes.

Skull:[sighs] fine. The deal is done.

Balloon: Can I still stay here?

Skull: Outsiders don't have anything like us. But I doubt that'll stop you. And...I'm sorry...For yelling at you...[Walked away]

Background: Balloon? Where are you?

Balloon: I'm right here.

Beth: Don't run off like that.

Balloon: Yeah, I'm sorry. Uhm, can I stay in the castle for 3 weeks because I cheated.

Beth: Sure. It's new to me but that's what you want. As for Skull?

Balloon: Let him stay at school. He needs time to think about what happened when I'm not around to bother him.

Beth: Ok. I'll assign Skull to go to school and you'll be at home for three weeks. Now get to class.

Balloon: yes ma'am.

[Balloon walked class]

Balloon: [finds Skull on his spot and sat down.]

Beth: [In her mind ]Maybe he's not so bad after all.

(The end of episode 4)

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