The life of Balloon (season:3 episode:9)(a new life as a princess)

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(a few years later)

(Balloon is now 19 years old and now constructing her new castle next to skull's and money's castles)

Skull: morning balloon, how's the castle doing?

Balloon: It's going great, it's gonna be a cupcake castle.

Skull: It kinda matches your personality...(blushed)

Balloon: what do you mean?

Skull: I mean the cupcake matches your sweetness, your wonderful curly hair and-(stuttering) I-I mean that y-y-you're uh.

Balloon: That I'm nice?

Skull:(blushed) No! I mean Yes! I-I... I have to go now!!!

(skull ran)

Balloon: huh? I wonder what he wanted to say to me?

"Morning princess"

Balloon: Oh! Eric. what are you doing here?

Eric: I'm going to see my little brother inside his castle. How's your castle?

Balloon: it's going great, my castle is going to be a cupcake.

Eric: That's perfect, it matches your personality because you're so sweet, your hair matches the frosting of the cupcake, and the sugar reminds me of you.

Balloon: (blushed) oh, that's nice of you Eric...I don't know what to say.

Eric: Just say yes to me?

Balloon: Why?

Eric: to ask you out on a date.

Balloon: Yes!

Eric: Great! I'll pick you up at 7. Dress sweet for me. (winked)

(eric left and balloon stood there speechless and was so excited to go to the date.)

Balloon: (worn a purple shaded pink and blue dress) this is going to be so amazing.


Skull: What am I going to do! I have to tell balloon about my feelings for her. Will she reject me or stop talking to me? No. I'm going to bring Balloon some pink and blue roses, her favorite candy and her favorite bracelet!

(7:00 pm)

(balloon and eric sitting at the diner table)

Balloon: So tell me, were you the older than derrick?

Eric: Not to brag but yes. I am and did you know about something funny about skull? His offend became soft around a girl he liked.

Balloon: who?

Eric: I'm not sure, he didn't ask anyone. It's a shame that I didn't know the girl so I can ask her out. Oh well, at least ~I found you~

Balloon: Aww, that's sweet of you.

Eric: Not as sweet as you. Can I ask you a question?

Balloon: What is it?

Eric: will you be my girlfriend?

Balloon: Yes!

(in the afternoon)

Eric: See you later balloon!


"Well well, if it isn't my big brother."

Eric: oh jeez Skull! What are you doing?

Skull: I just found my brother dating the girl I wanted to be with...

Eric: have a crush on Balloon?! Ha! I should have known! It's a good thing that I'm dating her.

Skull: Listen! Eric!!! I know what you're trying to do and don't freaking do it! Don't do anything to her. I saw what you did to that other girl.

Eric: Relax Mr. prince. I'm not going to do anything to her. But stay away from her. She's my girlfriend now.

Skull: WHAT!!!! When!!?

Eric: From that restaurant. She agreed to me and now she's mine. It's a shame you didn't get the chance to be with her. Well, see you later skully.

(eric left)

Skull:(crying) why...why would my family do this to me?

(meanwhile in McDonald land)

Ronald:(crying again)

Sundae: Ronald it's been years, you look weak and a disaster. Please Ronald let her go.

Ronald:(shaky voice) I can't...she's gone. I lost everyone. My parents, Mayor Mccheese, officer BigMac, Beth, and now Balloon. Everyone I ever loved is gone. I'm not risking losing my friends and you.

Sundae: your parents died from age, mayor died from the explosion lie decorator, officer BigMac died from a car accident, Beth been stabbed, and Balloon died from the war. But it's okay, at least they're happy that we're alive and happy for Balloon too.

Ronald:(calmed down) Thanks sundae for being my dog.

Sundae: you're welcome, and thank you.

Ronald: For what?

Sundae: For being my owner and giving me a home.

The end of episode 9

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