The life of Balloon(season: 3 episode:6)(marriage problem)

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Beth:(in her mind) Who will be my lover? George? Or Ronald?

Balloon: Beth? Is something wrong?

Beth: Oh, nothing is wrong, just thinking of something...

Balloon: Are you thinking about your marriage?

Beth:(...) It's complicated.

Balloon: I know this is your choice, but I presume you chose my Uncle. He's funny, nice, generous, thoughtful, smart, lovable, and fun!

Beth:(chuckled) he sure is. But my husband is always stubborn, kind, gentle, he has amazing blue eyes, funny, sweet, lovable, thoughtful, brave, and extremely handsome. We wrote letters to each other, danced beautifully to each other, ~and having wonderful lovebites together~

Balloon: What are lovebites?

Beth: Uhm, you'll figure it out soon when you're older...anyways Ronald is a sweetheart and My husband is so handsome. They have the same similarities but Ronald is silly and my husband is historically a villain.

Balloon: He was a villain?

Beth: Well, he used to but when I came along, he decided that he'll never hurt anyone around my home so I can be happy.

Balloon: I guess... that's nice of him...

Beth: Oh, how he was very playful around me and amazing- Uh, things we do at night.(.///.)

Balloon: what's his name?

Beth: George.

Balloon: George?... is he royalty?


Balloon: Are you married to King George III?

Beth: Yes...

Balloon: so this means... you have children with him?!?!

Beth: yup...

Balloon: But I thought Queen Charlotte married him. Was it a lie?

Beth: I made that rumor and let the people know Charlotte was the one. I erased everyone's mind, taking care of my children until they were fully grown. And that's where I found the forest.

Balloon: that made sense. I can't believe it. And also you know George Washington?

Beth:(in tears)

Balloon: Oh! I'm sorry I didn't mean you to cry! I just wanted to-

Beth: It was 5 years ago when I learned that he passed away. I cried so much and George was there to comfort me and tell me that someday we could meet him...but my husband ended up meeting him. But not me.

Balloon: George passed away too?

Beth: Yes... I was devastated to see the man that I fell in love with, not only him. He has a loyalist who was sweet and innocent at that time. He was the grandfather of...

Balloon: Who?

Beth: Kevin...

Balloon: (shocked) What?!?! They are related?

Beth: Yes, His name is Samuel Seabury and he was different around women. He met someone new named Charles-

Balloon: Charles Lee?

Beth: That's right. They didn't have children on their own so they adopted 5 children and one of them is Kevin's great great grandfather.

Balloon: Wait, since Samuel adopted Kevin's grandfather, how did they end up here and you already met Samuel when he was the same age as you, but Kevin was the same age when you were kids?

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