The life of balloon (season:2 episode:7)(a royal cousin)

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(Morning in the castle)

Beth: (Yawning)

(knocking on the door)

Butler: Your majesty, sorry to disturb you, but there's a letter from your cousin...

Beth: (annoyed face) which Cousin?

Butler: Princess Alice, your majesty...

Beth: Great! Another royal pain... (sigh) can you wake up Balloon for me... tell her that I need her to come to the main room...

Butler: Of course, Your highness...

(the butler walked away)

Beth: what's in this stupid letter anyways...

[The letter: Dear cousin Beth... I decided that I will be coming over to your place for a while... I heard you're teaching a young girl that she's related to that weird clown boyfriend of yours. So I'm gonna laugh at your face of how ridiculous your relationship is, And you better have the butlers and maids carry all my stuff... Sincerely Alice...
P.S you're a bad princess/ruler...]

Beth: (growls) Great... Now my cousin is jealous of me and she's the one who is a bad ruler...

(in the main room)

Beth: Balloon, there you are... I need to tell you something important...

Balloon: what is it?

Beth: Well, my cousin is coming here and-

Balloon: You have a COUSIN!

Beth: Yes, but this Cousin is the worst and bad goddess for our family history...

Balloon: why? Did she do something...bad?
Beth: Just let me explain...

(Storytime: A long time ago my cousin was the youngest in the family... She was a wonderful princess, she wanted to help and care for people... Like I did... But when we got older, I was the leader of my family and had powerful magic. My cousin was jealous of me and wanted my power... I tried to confront her, but she started to hurt and became cruel to people in our kingdoms and being spoiled around the servants and maids... But the good thing is her parents banned her and told her to protect the solar system... which is the one thing she's good at....)

Beth: And now she's coming to my home and might laugh at my face of how I am a bad ruler... which I'm not... and also she wants to meet you...

Balloon: Oh, wow I didn't know how you and your cousin hate each other...

Beth: Well, she wasn't like this... she was sweet and kind when she was a child and now she has become a mad princess/goddess... But we still care for each other.

(Knock on the door)

Beth: She's here... Brian can you open the door, please...

Butler Brian: Of course your majesty...

(Balloon and Beth stood at the main entrance)

Beth: Balloon, stay behind me...

(balloon stood behind Beth)

Alice's Loyalist: Princess Alice, has arrived...

Beth: thank you, Kevin...

Princess Alice: Well, well, well if it isn't my dear cousin... how have you been? I haven't seen you at my uncle's funeral...

Beth: (mad but calmed down) W-well I've been very busy taking CARE of my kingdom...

Princess Alice: like I care mine...

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