The life of balloon (season:3 episode:1)(the sercet sleepover)

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(the end of prom)

Kevin: Well, it's time for me to leave, thank you for understanding my feelings, Your majesty...

Beth: Of course Kevin... And thank you for coming here...

Kevin: Uh, do you want to walk around the garden... If you want...

Beth: Well, I could have an evening stroll... Balloon?

Balloon: Yes?

Beth: Will you be able to take care of the castle, while I'm with Kevin?

Balloon: Of course...

(Beth and Kevin left)

Skull: Uh, Balloon? Is it okay that we can stay over... Like you know, a sleepover?

Balloon: Sure! I'm in charge of the castle so we're cool...

(balloon invited her friends to have a sleepover, She planned on having snacks, music, and stories to tell...)

Skull: Alright, I told my mother and she's cool with it.

Balloon: Alright, I'm ready for having an amazing sleepover!!! I just hope that Beth is okay with it... heh.

(the rest gang came over and decided to have a mini party for themselves.)

Money: Will anyone want to play who do you love?

Skull: (blushed) Uh-

Balloon: I'll play.

Money: Ok, so the rules are the people you like or have a crush on...If you don't want to name the person just say the letter in their names. So Balloon, who do you love?

Balloon:(blushed) well, his name starts with an E...Uh, Money. Who do you love?

Money: Its name starts with a P. Diamond, who do you love?

Diamond: his name starts with an S. Butterfly, who do you love?

Butterfly: Umm, His name starts with an H. Um, Phone. Who do you love?

Phone:(blushed) Oh, uh, Its name starts with an M. Umm Skull, who do you love?

Skull: Oh come on guys don't make me do this. Heh...

Money: You're the last one...come on please we promise we wouldn't tell.

Skull: Ok, Uh her name starts with an....Uh...starts with an...Book!

Money: Book?

Skull: No, there's a book that is glowing...

Balloon: that's weird I never saw it...Maybe it's the princess potions book.

Money: Or we can read it.

Balloon: I don't know about that if the princess finds out-

Money: Don't worry, she wouldn't find out. We'll just read for a while and that's it.

Balloon: Fine, but we better do this quick.


Kevin: Alice ended up stuck on the roof for some reason, I don't know how I got her down, but she started to hit me with a stick.

Beth: You poor thing, But it reminded me when Alice ended up stuck on the tree that my parents once had. She really loves to climb to dangerous heights.

Kevin: I'll say. But her mother doesn't care about her and her father is a workaholic...

Beth: Kevin, don't you remember that her real mother died?

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