The life of balloon (season:2 episode:8)(the friendship)

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(In the dinner table at night)

Beth: So, were your classes...
Balloon: Good, my studies were higher than my classmates...

Beth: Oh, wow... I'm surprised that your hard work is taking off... I'm proud of you.

Balloon: (blushed) thank you... and I have a question about... Alice's loyalist...

Beth: Ok...

Balloon: Do you know him?

Beth: Oh, Kevin? Yes... He one of my closest friends... we knew each other... and begin to-

(Beth sees Balloon concerned and upset)

Beth: aww, Balloon, it's ok... We did begin to make eye contact and-

(a knock on the door)

Balloon: I'll get it...

(Balloon opened the door and was Skull and Phone)

Balloon: Phone? Skull? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?

Phone: Oh, I wanted to hang out with you in the castle. Then Skull followed me and we had a discussion...

Skull: (annoyed) I wasn't following him, I wanted to give you a cupcake to say thank you for the field trip with the princess...

(background: balloon? Who is it?)

Balloon: Just my friends...

Beth:(stood to Balloon) Phone? Skull? What are doing here late?

Both: We wanted to hang out with Balloon and-

Beth:(held her hand) stop. Just come two will be spending the night here... Balloon, ask the maids to show Phone and skull's rooms, while I have to call their parents for permission...

(beth walked away)

Phone: So this is the inside of the castle?

Balloon: Yup...

Skull: there's a lot of paintings of the princess, and her...

Balloon: Family... I'll find a maid to give you guys a room...

(balloon walked away)

Phone:(in his mind) I can't believe Balloon is hanging out with this... Bully.

Skull: (in his mind) I can't believe Balloon is hanging out with this weakling... I can't believe I'm sitting next to him...

Balloon: (in her mind) I can't believe they wouldn't get along... I hope they become friends again...

(Balloon finds one of the maids)

Balloon: Excuse me, Gabriela, The princess wanted to show two visitors in their room

Gabriela: Of course Ms. Balloon...

(Gabriela walked away and Balloon return back to the main room)

Balloon: I'm back...

Phone: It's nice of you to let us stay here...

Balloon: Of course Phone, because you two are my friends... right?

Both: (annoyed) Right...

Balloon: (sigh) Alright what's really going on with you two?

Skull: Before we say anything... Balloon can you convince the princess to get the memory gem?

Balloon: On it...

(balloon left the main room and went to beth's room)

Balloon: (knocked on the door) Beth? Are you there?

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