The life of Balloon (season:3 episode:4)(crazy emotions)

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Balloon:(in her mind) Man, I can't sleep...Who's Betty?

(Balloon was having trouble sleeping and thinking about the missing girl. Is she still alive? Beth and Betty are related? Why did Beth keep it a secret? All those questions made Balloon leave her room.)

Balloon:(in her mind) Do I look like Betty? No that's ridiculous...If that's possible. Why do I feel so...happy?

(Balloon coughed and laughed at the same time.)

Balloon: What's going on?

Beth: Balloon? Why are you laughing? It's midnight...

Balloon:(coughing and laughing) I don't know but my head hurts so bad...(Laughing)

Beth:(puts her hand on Balloon's forehead) Yup. I believe you have the emotional flu...

Balloon:(looked fear) what does that do?! Am I going to die?!?

Beth: No! No,'s a sickness from different emotions. The questions you got made the emotions go hotter and hotter until you feel nothing...But don't worry there's a cure. I just have to make it in the morning. But for now, I'll give you stress medicine to relax your body...

Balloon: Okay...

(Beth went downstairs and find the stress medicine)

Beth: Here,(pour the syrup) I know this tastes nasty and funny but this is for the best.

(Balloon drank the medicine and went to bed. In the morning, things went out of hand.)

Beth:(tried to grab Balloon) Calm down Balloon! Relaxed...

Balloon: (Laughing) I can't! I'm so happy!!!

Beth: Balloon!

Balloon:(scared) I-I'm sorry, Beth...

Beth: Just go to your room and don't come out when you're relaxed.

Balloon:(mad) WHAT?! I didn't do anything and you sent me to my room! What are you? My uncle?!

Beth: Balloon!

Balloon: what?!

Beth:(breathe in & out) Just calm down and I'll give you some soup.

Balloon: Okay...

(Beth went to the kitchen and made soup with the cure in it. When she's done she goes to Balloon's room and her room is a mess and all her clothes are tossed out and her stuff is scattered around the floor.)

Beth: Balloon! Why is your room a mess?!

Balloon: Oh I DON'T KNOW maybe that someone sent me to my room and stay here.

Beth: I told you calmly,

Balloon:(sad) and what? Punish me for something I didn't do...I think that you don't need me anymore.

Beth: What? Of course, I need you, just let me help you... lay down, relax your body, and eat this soup.

Balloon:(happy) Ok!

(Balloon followed Beth's rules and calmed for a while and fall asleep.)

Beth:(closed Balloon's door) Soon, the medicine will heal. I hope the cure worked.


Beth: Morning Ball-(screams)ARE THOSE THORNS!?!

Balloon: (tiredly confused) Huh? Wow...why are thorns here? (about to touch the thorns)

Beth: DON'T touches it!!! It's deadly it could kill you in just a few seconds!

Balloon: Then why are they in my room?

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