The life of balloon (season:2 episode:9)(the love truth)

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(at the night)

(balloon tossed and turned)

Balloon: Hmmm, (in her mind)

(this is Balloon's dream...)

(Balloon: Huh?

Unknown voice: *giggles*

Balloon: Hello?

Echo Voice: Hey, there... little one

Balloon: who are you?

Echo voice: Am the shadow of the voices... but to keep it short, I'm the god of night... and your princess's shadow...

Balloon: what do you mean by the princess's shadow?

Echo voice: *laughs* Oh my dear, the princess is keeping too many secrets... Haven't you noticed that Princess Beth is often talking to herself?

Balloon: Well... yes, once.

Echo voice: Well she was talking to me the whole time... she was talking about you and Alice's loyalist...

Balloon: Kevin? What did she say?

Echo voice: She says that she had feelings for him when she was young...

Balloon: So?

Echo voice: So, she has feelings for him now... she craved for him every day and every night... and she told me that she wants to run away with him and leave you and your Uncle... she's a fraud and a liar...

(background: Balloon? Wake up...

Balloon:(opened her eyes) Huh?

Skull: Balloon? Are you awake?

Balloon: Uh, yeah?

Phone: C'mon balloon the princess is waiting for us...

(at the dinner table)

Beth: Late? I presume?

Balloon: Yeah, sorry I was having this dream last night.

Beth: Oh. Well the important thing is that you're awake.

(When everyone was done eating, skull and phone left)

Balloon: Uhmm, Princess?

Beth: What is it, balloon?

Balloon:(sweat) So you know that dream I had... well it's about a weird shadow person that told me, you're a liar... and you've been keeping secret....

Beth: (shocked) I-

(A doorbell and the butler opens the door)

Kevin: Uh greetings, your majesty... is this a bad time?

Beth: N-No, what brings you here, Kevin?

Kevin: Well, your cousin wants me to bring a gift for you and your student.

(Kevin handed the gifts)

Beth: (Opens her gift) A backbone belt? (A note as Beth reads it) I don't want my dear cousin break her spine😏(growls)

Balloon: Oh wow! A small blue and pink charm bracelet

Kevin: (clears his throat) your Majesty I also brought you a gift.

Beth:(Opens the gift) Oh, is this... My old journal? B-But I don't understand, I thought I'd lost it in my parent's garden...

Kevin: Oh, well since I was your "loyalist" I found it under the tree that you used to climb there and write short poems and stories... and I decided to keep it, so in case you need it.

Beth: Well it was thoughtful of you, keeping this journal, it was special for me since... well you know...

Kevin: when you met your... lover I supposed...(frowned)

Balloon: (in her mind) he looks upset... he IS in love with her...

(Kevin and Beth talked for a while ... when Kevin left, Balloon felt concerned and wanted to talk to Beth alone)

Beth: Balloon? Are you okay?
Balloon: yeah, but I need to talk to you about something, we might have to go to the rooftop alone...

(in the rooftop)

Balloon: Your majesty, since we met, I thought to myself that you were a wonderful leader and a brave teacher... you were like a mother to me... but deep down, I know that something is up to you... and you're afraid of telling me the truth... I've overheard that you used to have feelings about Alice's loyalist, and He looks up to you, with those sparkling eyes ... I'M JUST AFRAID that my uncle find out about this...

(tears falling out of balloon's eyes)

Beth:(looks pale and shocked) Fine, you're right... I used to like Kevin, he was an innocent, loving, and caring person... But I found out that he's meeting with someone else... So I told my father to let him go... so I can't be distracted from his face... But it was a mistake that I told my father... Since Kevin met my cousin, I was blue, depressed and I was about to learn how to fly... but when I landed at your home and met your uncle... I felt so happy and loved touring with him... he was a replacement of kevin... but more loving... Balloon, don't think that me and kevin are a thing... we're just reuniting with each other... that's all.

Balloon: (sniffed) really?

(beth walked tours Balloon and hugged her)

Beth: Yes... and I'll never abandon you and your uncle...

(meanwhile at night)

Beth: What a pain I have to deal with my cousin's gift... luckily she gave Balloon something special for her...

Echo voice: Really? I find it hilarious that Alice brought her a ~charm bracelet~ and you have a fake backbone belt by the way...


Echo voice: (chuckles) why so sad... Princess...

Beth: (sigh) I'm not sad, I'm concerned about what Balloon just said... It felt that she knew everything, eventually... and she's having a dream about a shadow telling her that I'm a liar...

Echo voice: Oh...OH! Hahahahaha, I forgot to tell you, I was that shadow in her dreams... I told her that you still have feelings for Kevin... But sadly it didn't work...


Echo voice: yup....

Beth:(growls) I can't believe you...

Echo Voice: I can't believe that girl is dumb enough to believe me....

Beth: (in her mind) what did I get myself into...

The end of episode 9

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