the life of balloon (season:3 episode:3)(let the babysitting begin)

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Beth: (yawns) Good morning John,


(a knock at the door)

Beth: Come in...

B, Brain: (opened the door) Your majesty there's a letter from your cousin Prince Robert.

Beth: Robert?! I haven't seen him for ages...what did the letter say?

Brain: It's said that he needs you to take care of his son Prince James. He's having a royal situation about the republican... he's coming over in about 10 minutes. 

Beth: Oh, dear... but I have some important business to attend to about the village and I wouldn't be back until night. Maybe Balloon is available... Thank you brian, you can go...

(Beth changed her clothes and call Balloon downstairs)

Balloon: Yes?

Beth: My cousin, Prince Robert is coming with my nephew prince James...but I'm not gonna take care of him because the village needs me for something important. Would you be able to take care of him?

Balloon: Sure, I'm good with kids...

Beth: good, now we have to wait for for-

(The doorbell rings and the butler answered it)

Prince Robert: Good morning...cousin Beth...

Beth: Morning, cousin Robert.

James: Aunt Beth!

(James hugged Beth and beth lift him)

Beth: Hey James how are you!

(Balloon looked at James and Robert until Robert noticed her...)

Robert: Beth? Who is this...girl?

Beth: Oh, this is Balloon...she's my student, she's living with me for now...

Balloon: Uh, name is Balloon It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesties...

Robert: Hmm, this girl oddly looks familiar...

Beth: What makes you say that?

Robert: I don't know, she looks familiar from a long time ago...Oh well maybe it's from my imagination...Anyways I'm here to drop off James...So James...behave...

Jame: Ok dad...

(Robert said his goodbyes and left the castle.)

Beth: James...Aunt Beth is going to the village for a while so behave around Balloon...Okay?

James: Ok aunt Beth...

(Beth left the castle. Balloon and James stood there not talking to each other)

Balloon: So, James...what do you want to do?

James: Can we go to the library?

Balloon: Do you know how to read?

James: well...I'm 11 aren't I

Balloon: Makes sense...what do you want to read about?

James: The murica history?

Balloon: You mean America?

James: Yeah that!

Balloon: Ok, come on let's go...

(Balloon dragged James to the library when they found the book, Balloon began to read.)

Balloon: In 1776, the British and America were at war, General Washington never gave up the hopes of not letting the British take over America... Alexander Hamilton was Washington's, right-hand man. He worked day and night writing essays about the federal constitution and having meetings about the U.S congress. The war didn't stop for about 5 months until September 3, 1783, the war had ended and Americans won the war... they signed a treaty and-

(stomach grumbles)

James: Can we stop, because I'm kinda hungry...

Balloon: Sure, what do you want to eat? I'm sure the chefs can cook something for you...

(James and balloon left the library and went to the kitchen.)

Balloon: Huh...I guess that I'm cooking. Any suggestions to eat?

James: how about a cupcake?

Balloon: Ok, that sounds easy...

(Balloon started baking and gather the ingredients, moments later, her baking started to look really good.)

James: (tasted the cupcake) ... WOW! This is amazing!!!

Balloon: Really?

James: Yeah! Is this your first time making a cupcake?

Balloon: Well, no...Once I tried to bake but...


Young Balloon: Happy birthday Uncle Ronald!!!

(A fire siren turned on and a big fire in the kitchen...)

Ronald:(pale) Thank you Balloon...Sundae?

Sundae:(sighed) I'll call the fire department...

(end of flashback)

Balloon: It didn't end well... wanna go to the living room?

James: Sure...

(it's been about 3 hours until Prince Robert came over to pick up his son...)

Robert: oh, hey Balloon...

Balloon: Hello your majesty, uh your cousin is busy right now and I've been taking care of your son...

Robert: Well, I hope there isn't any know you reminded me of Betty...

Balloon: You know Betty?!?

Robert: Yeah, she's was a baby when she was born...she has her father's eyes, her mother's face, and her aunt's hair...

Balloon: Who's her aunt...

Robert: Oh Beth is...Betty's aunt...

Balloon:(...)do you know where is betty...

Robert: No, she disappeared along with her mother... and her father ended up passing away...

Balloon: do I look like Betty?

Robert: Oh no, her eyes were purple and yellow...

Balloon: how come Beth didn't tell me?

Beth: Tell me about what?

Robert: Oh nothing, I'm just here to pick up my's nice to see you again, Beth...

Beth: You too...

(James and Robert left the castle. Beth and Balloon went to bed...)

Balloon:(in her mind) What happen to her parents, where's betty, and how come beth is related to her?


Beth: (in her mind) Oh, Nina...Betty, Jonathan...I'm sorry for everything

the end of episode 3

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