The Life Of Balloon (S:2 Ep:3) Circus Festival

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Beth: Balloon? Where are you?

Balloon: I'm here. What's going on, I thought you're going to that meeting.

Beth: Yeah well the company saw that I was working every day so they decided they'll do my work when I'm having a relaxing day.

Balloon: So what are you going to do then?

Beth: Maybe finish reading that book I
loved...And the servants?

Balloon: They went to a land to find the special cleaning supplies... they would be back until midnight.

Beth: Oh, well I guess you can take care of the castle for now.

Balloon: What? Why me?

Beth: because I need to rest and you're the only one to take care of my castle? Who else?

Balloon: I see your point. But I have plans for my friends!

Beth: What kind of plans?

Ballon: We're going to a circus festival...

Beth: What's today's date?

Balloon: August 20, why?

Beth: Oh no reason, I forgot I have to Arrange The Circus Today! So much for vacation. But I guess I'll go with you guys.

Balloon: What about the castle?

Beth: Don't worry about the castle. Just have fun with your friends and I have to sign some paperwork to do...

Balloon: Okay.

[At the company]

"Theres  so much paperwork to do!"

"No, really Fred? You just saw a bunch of paper and you said [ThErE's So MuCh PaPeRwOrK tO dO?!]"

Fred: Chillout Tom. I mean there's a whole stack of paper... I didn't realize the princess had to do so much paperwork. No wonder she doesn't have a break...

Tom: Yeah, But at least she's having a break.


Beth: I'm not having a BREAK???

"No, you're not having a break. The people are waiting in line to see The Great Bozo..."

Beth: Bozo! The Bozo?!

"Is there a problem?"

Beth: uhh, YEAH IT'S A PROBLEM. If he finds out I'm alive he's going to tell the person I truly loved and care about here!

The Manager: well we could cancel the circus.

Beth: And leave all the disappointed people who waste money to come here? No, I'm going to be disguised as a prince like last time.

[At the festival]

Balloon: So guys where do we start?

Skull: I don't know, just choose some fun activity for us to play.

Balloon: On it..!

Phone: uh, Balloon, can I talk to you privately?

Balloon: Ok.

[Phone took Balloon into a tent]

Phone: Balloon. Why did you bring Skull here?!

Balloon: I invited him here. We're friends now.

Phone: That's good for you, but I don't want to be near him, you know what he did to me.

Balloon: it's okay Phone. That will never happen when I'm around. Just trust me and Skull for now.

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