The Life Of Balloon(S:2 Ep:4) Lovesick Triangle

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[At McDonald land]

(Ronald is still figuring out how his father knows while he's walking down the streets. And he bumps someone's shoulder and turns out it was Prince Andrew who he thought was dead.)

Ronald: Andrew? I thought you're dead. How did you survive from that stab?

Andrew: I basically survived by an unknown person that told me that I had to apologize to someone, and here I am standing next to a clown.

Ronald: Wow... thanks for that comment there.

Andrew: Well, at least I have my Beth here...

Ronald: What do you mean "I have my Beth here"? She's dead.

Andrew: Oh you didn't know? She survived. And now we're together.

Ronald: What!? No, you're lying. I saw her die.

Andrew: Well clearly she was faking her death. That's why she's been keeping secrets from you.

Ronald: She wouldn't do that... would she?

Andrew: Of course, she doesn't love you anymore. But now she loves me.

Ronald: But...

Andrew: Well I must be leaving now, bye you bratty clown.

Ronald: Oh...ok well see you later.

[Meanwhile at the castle]

Beth: [Humming]

Andrew: [Opens the door and hugs Beth]

Beth: What are you doing here!?

Andrew: Awww so you missed me.

Beth: Ew, No. Why did you come here anyway?

Andrew: I came here to say Hi to my princess.

Beth: We were never in a relationship, so stop calling me names like that.

Andrew: Come on, we can talk about this right?

Beth: No, get out of my castle, and anyways I'm in love with someone else.

Andrew: Oh before I go, I have to tell you something...

Beth: Like what?

Andrew: Ronald knows your secret.

Beth: What do you mean?

Andrew: Well I told him that you were alive and that you were in a relationship with me.


Andrew: No, I'm a prince.


[Beth pushes Andrew out of her castle and rushes to Balloon to tell her everything]

Balloon: Your Majesty is everything ok?

Beth: No it's not, the worst thing just happened.

Balloon: what do you mean?

Beth: Andrew told your uncle I was alive...

Balloon: WHAT?! And my uncle is coming here?!!

Beth: I don't know, I have to hide.

Balloon: Don't you have that disguised spell?

Beth: My power won't last that long so I would need a potion.

[They hear a knock on the door]

Beth: Balloon, go check the door.

Balloon: Ok

[Balloon looks through the eye pupil and sees her uncle Ronald]

Ronald: Hey is anyone home?

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