The life of balloon (season:2 episode:5)(beth's history)

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(at the morning)

Balloon: (in her mind) I wonder what's Beth's past life, and her secrets. I hope I can talk to her about it...

(at the diner table)

Beth: So Balloon, do you want to talk about something?

Balloon: Uh...Yeah. I've been meaning to ask you something.

Beth:(sigh) is it about my past and history?

Balloon: I-I just want to know a little bit about you...

Beth: Hmmm, alright then.

(later on)

Beth: Alright Balloon here's my story...

(flashback story: A long time ago I was born to a royal family, my mother and father were proud of having a beautiful baby girl... that's me. When I was one year old, I saw a golden peach bird with a small roll on its neck. My father found the role and surprised that I'm the only one to be the leader of my family. Unfortunately, my father's parents were unfond about it and they said I should be a normal little princess. But my mother's parents should be a magical god and be in good health for me...)

Balloon: So what did your parents do?

Beth: I wasn't sure, but I believe they sided with mother's parents...

(flashback story: Anyways, my father's parents were unfonded we're frustrated at my parents, But they loved me and decided to give up the argument...Over time, I've become a silly little girl around my father's and my mother's parents. They loved me so much until my mother's parents became ill and died... But they give me their blessing and that's where I have magic... I was getting them to use it. My father, was upset that I was using too much magic so he decided to teach me the proper way to use magic. I didn't complain but I was started to use magic easier and more controllable on my hands. And then we started to break our relationship... (sighed) I've moved on and made my kingdom.)

Balloon: So your dad doesn't care about you when you're getting older?

Beth: Often but yes, I was confused and puzzled that he use to be a perfect father, and then he became a mad king...

Balloon: Maybe, he sees that you often not became the princess that he wanted you to be.

Beth: Maybe... but I don't want to talk about it.

(beth walked away to her room)

Beth: (sigh)

Echo voice: ~trouble lately~?

Beth: (serious voice) No, I just thought of something a long time ago...

Echo Voice: thinking about your folks? I understand that your two grandparents and your mother loved you... expected your father...

Beth: LISTEN... You. He does care and loved me but he always upset about something... that's all. Besides, there's somebody else who cared about me...

Echo Voice: that girl's uncle?

Beth: yes, that's one out three.

Echo voice: ~ohhh~ I understand that too.

Beth: J-Just leave me alone, I feel insane with you talking.

(walked away)

Echo Voice: (chuckled) Oh your majesty how weak you are without the two people in your life...

The end of episode 5

(sorry this short episode :/)

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