The life of balloon (season:2 episode:6)(the memory gem)

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(At Skull's home)

Background: Skull? Are you Up? The princess is waiting for you...

Skull: Coming!

Skull's mom: What time will he come back home?

Beth: Don't worry Mrs. Death, He'll be back in no time, I'll make sure he's safe and sound...

Skull: Alright, Your Majesty I am here.

Beth: Oh, morning Skull, are you ready for the trip?

Skull: Yes, your majesty... bye mother...

(they waved bye)

(skull spots balloon waiting in the carriage)

Balloon: Hey, Skull...

Skull: (blushed a little) H-(ahem) morning Balloon... So where are we going?

Beth: we're going to the deepest caves in all the universe...

Balloon: which is...

Beth: the Memory cave...

Skull: what's that?

Beth: It's a cave full of crystals of powerful magic that could see the memories altered from the past into the present.

Balloon: How did you know about that?

Beth: Back when I was a student of the ...royal school, I was a crystal lover and I researched every Crystal history book that I could find... My mother told me that my great great great grandfather, Made the crystals and used them for great medication for the people who lost their memories.

Skull: Woah, and how did you know where the crystal cave is?

Beth: Simple, my...uh...

Balloon: Is something wrong?

Beth: Yes, My father gave me this map whenever I needed to destroy the mistakes of the past. It's a shame that I never use it to destroy my weak past...

Skull: That's awful... I'm sorry to hear that...

Beth: That's alright Skull but I won't let my weak past destroy my powerful magic...

(they arrived at the cave)

Balloon: Is that... the cave?

Beth: Yes! We're here!

(the carriage stopped and the princess grabbed the equipment for and safety suites for balloon and skull)

Beth: Put these on...

Balloon: Why do we have to wear this?

Beth: because the caves are super poisonous and might affect your bodies... and maybe you'll have a 99% chance of...dying. But lucky for me... you'll have to wear protection and safety goggles to protect your bodies from all the poison...

Skull: how did you know that cave is poisonous?

Beth: Ehh, my ex Lover decided wanted to go to the caves even though I'm not allowed but we went and he didn't survive there...

Balloon: Wait. You had a boyfriend before?

Beth: That doesn't matter, that was a long time ago. Look, just put these on and I'll wait for you two inside the cave...

(when skull and balloon finish changing the suits... they were confused that Beth didn't wear the suit she bought..)

Skull: Uhm, Princess Beth, how come you didn't bring your suit?

Beth: Oh, I don't need a suit, I have magic to protect my body from serious deadly issues, I'll be fine. But right now, let's go inside...


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