Part 4: Old & new friends

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"Look who's paid me a visit."

You smile, pinching the older man's cheek. "Don't speak so highly of me, cherry."

He closed his fan, whacking you in the head with it, a nonchalant expression on his face. "Do not refer to me as cherry in this establishment."

You deadpan, "Okay then, Kaoru."

He whacked you again, "I'm your superior."

"Okay then, ojiisan."

Another whack.

"Now seriously, why have you come." He asks, sitting down at the table.

"To bother you." You answered truthfully, fiddling with one of the hanging lanterns in the room. "You know I've been avoiding you and Koji right?"

He hummed, lowering the teacup in his hands. "Yes, we're fully aware. That gorilla hadn't stopped talking about you for days when it first happened."

You stare out the window, watching Reki and Langa talk to, who you're assuming, the manager of the store, fiddling with the ends of your uniform sleeves. "I'm sorry about it. About everything."

He sighed, "you don't have to apologize Y/n, we understood your reasons. Though," he started, standing up and walking towards you. "Knowing that feeble-minded gorilla, it'll take dinner to forgive you."

"Are you sure you aren't talking about yourself ojiisan?" You joke, wincing when his fan once again hit you. "So mean." You mutter.

He smiled sweetly, turning you towards the door. "Now get out, I have clients coming."

You huff as he pushed you out, turning around to glare at him, only for the door to slide in your face. A scowl makes its way onto your face when you see his expression from the window.

That conniving little-

"Oi Y/n!" You turn towards the voice, Reki smiling as he waved you over. You smile back, holding up your hand to tell him your coming. Looking back at Kaoru through the window, you quickly flick him off, running off before he could scold you. "What was that about?" Reki asked, holding the door open for you.

"Nothing important." You dismissed, standing beside him at the counter.

You zone out during their conversation, having a staring contest with the small fox that sat in front of you, baring its teeth at you when you leaned closer. You narrowed your eyes at it, moving closer till your nose bumped against its own.

Its tongue juts out slightly, licking the tip of your nose. "Eh?" You mumbled to yourself, touching the tip of your nose. You watch it run across the counter, holding back laughter when it bites Langa's finger.

"Ouch!" Langa yelled, holding his finger to his chest.

"This is why you should listen to what I say more." The manager said, crossing his arms as he stared at Reki.

His side profile is nice.

You shake your head, turning to Reki when the small fox jumps into his arms. "I mean, Manager Oka, you're always coming in later than I do." He says, bopping the fox's nose. "Ouch!" He yelled, glaring at the fox.

The owner caught it when it jumped at him, rubbing its head as he cooed.

How cute.

At the end of the night, Reki had walked you home, claiming that "the streets were unsafe for someone like you." You lay in your bed, staring at the ceiling as the clock on the opposite wall ticked slowly.

"Can I really go back after that?" You mumble to yourself, thinking back to the incident that occurred on your last day at S.

"Go back where, mi mundo?"

You sit up at the voice, smiling when you see your grandma in the doorway. "Ah, it's nothing grandma."

She smiled, walking over to the edge of your bed. "I noticed the boy who walked you." She started, sitting herself down. "You are skating again?" She asked, pointing a nimble finger towards the board that leaned against the wall.

You stare at it, bringing one of your knees to your chest. "Yeah, I'll be more careful this time, I promise."

She smiled again, holding the sides of your face as she pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "Sleep well mi mundo."

"You too." You replied, watching her close the door, leaving you in the darkness of your room.

I'm really skating again.

A/n; Okay, so if anyone is confused y/n has been doing S longer than Reki! It'll go more in depth in the next chapter that will probably be up later as a filler! And I've put grandma in as a parental figure, I don't really have a reason why to but...

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A/n; Okay, so if anyone is confused y/n has been doing S longer than Reki! It'll go more in depth in the next chapter that will probably be up later as a filler!
And I've put grandma in as a parental figure, I don't really have a reason why to but I love my abuela so much and even though she's passed I wanted to include her someway??? She used to call me 'mi mundo' and while I suck at Spanish and memory, I think it meant my world? Which may be important later on? I don't really know... anyway thanks for reading!

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