Filler: Mending

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warnings: near death mention, food, possible more i just cant see it. 608 words

Mainly Kaoru Sakurayashiki and Kojiro Nanjo! Platonic of course!

The nerves that built in your stomach increased when you stood outside of sia la luce, your hands trembling as you let out a deep breath

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The nerves that built in your stomach increased when you stood outside of sia la luce, your hands trembling as you let out a deep breath. Confrontation wasn't your best, especially when it comes to your former close friends.

Upon opening the door, met with frantic hushing and nervous chuckling from Kojiro, you sent them both a small smile before closing the doors.

"Hey, guys." You greeted, walking over to the table they stood by. "Sorry if I made you wait, Abuela was– well it's not important." You chuckled, gripping onto your backpack strap.

"How has she been?" Kojiro asks, setting down plates of food for the three of you. "Not giving her too much trouble?"

"If anything, she's giving me trouble." You chuckle, slouching in the booth, "Ever since I started hanging out with Reki she's been eagerly waiting for us to date or something."

Kaoru cocks his head to the side with a smile, "I mean, from what I saw the other day I'd say it's likely."

His sentence makes you lift yourself from the seat immediately, pointing an accusing finger at him. "Not another word."

"Anyways," Kojiro laughs, "We should eat now before it gets cold. Also," he looks towards you, "Did you want to talk about something?"

"Right," you muttered, taking a deep breath. "I know I left with no warning after everything, and I knew that I needed to tell you guys but over time I just felt like the minute I'd try to say something you'd get mad. And it's ridiculous for me to say that really because you guys have been nothing but understanding and caring for me, i just..." you trailed off, looking down at the plate of food in front of you. "I was just afraid."

"We were never mad at you, y/n," Kojiro uttered gently, a soft expression on his face. "It just stung when you left without a proper goodbye."

Looking down at your lap, you fight the tears back. "I never wanted to leave but— but after the whole thing I just couldn't face you guys, it was embarrassing."

Kaoru nearly hits you with his fan at your words. "You nearly died Y/n, how could that ever possibly be embarrassing."

"I..." you held your breath, shrinking in your seat as they stared at you. "I ran away from everything I loved, you don't think that's pathetic?"

Kojiro shares a look with Kaoru before he speaks up, "You were scared Y/n, there's nothing wrong with that."

"It's not pathetic either," Kaoru adds, pushing his glasses up. "We're just happy you're back now."

There's a pause of silence after he speaks, the clock on the wall ticking being the only sound heard.

Kojiro shifted in his seat, poking at the food in front of him. "You are coming back right?"

"I am." You say, the two men were shocked at your response, they were expecting at least some hesitation on your part. "But, maybe not for a while," you laugh, "I can't get on the board without falling just yet." Kaoru stifles a laugh but covers it with his fan when you whip your head to look at him. "Anyways."

Kojiro shifts in his seat, leaning his cheek on his palm. A soft smile on his face as he watched the two of you bicker back and forth, stifling laughter at each attempt Kaoru made to whack you with his fan.

Everything was settling back slowly in its place, though, Kojiro felt it was going smoother than he thought.

Well, as long as you three were back together, he guesses everything would turn out fine.

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