The End

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warnings: a joke about fighting, cheesy lines

warnings: a joke about fighting, cheesy lines

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"We should take Langa up to a mountain." You suggested, looking down at the pavement.

Reki grins, "Why, so you can push him off?" He huffs when you slap his chest, "I was joking!"

When you round the corner, Langa stands at the front of Dope Sketch, rocking on his heels before he spots you.

"Happy birthday!" You exclaimed, pulling him and Reki into a hug. "Feel any different?"

Langa shakes his head, "Taller, maybe." Reki lets out an amused hum.

"Oi!" A voice shouts from above. "The party's up here!" Kojiro leans slightly over the roof's barrier, grinning when you look up at him. "The food's getting cold!"

Reki ducks under your arm when you open the door for him, shouting a quick thank you before running up the steps leading to the roof.

"Finally," Hiromi groans, "We've been waiting for you lovebirds to get here for hours."

"We literally saw you run a red light on the way here." You scoffed, flicking his forehead. "You should have your license revoked."

"You should've never gotten one with the way you park." He retorts, taking an angry bite into his burger.

"Please," Oka sighs, hands raised in front of his chest. "If you're gonna fight, do it in the grass where it's easy to wash out blood."

You turn your head to look at him, "What kind of people do you think we are?"


Miya clears his throat when he walks by, "Delinquents."

You hum, glaring at him. "Lovely."

"Y/n, you have to try this!" Reki says, words muffled by the food in his mouth. He stalks over to you, holding a spoonful of food for you. "It's so good."

You nod your head once you take the bite, covering your mouth with your hand. "It is." Reki nods excitedly, grinning when you finish. "Koji, what is—" you pause when you see them staring, shifting on your feet when you realize why.

"You guys make me sick," Kaoru says, waving his fan. "Absolutely sick."

"You're such a kid." You scoff, covering your face with your hands.

Kaoru, with a feigned (real) look of offense on his face, hurls a wad of paper at you. "Says the one who's flustered like a middle schooler!"

"Oh! Go cuddle with Carla and cry me a river!" You spat, tossing the paper back at him.

Reki deadpans from beside you, shoveling spoonful after spoonful as you continue bickering. "I'm gonna eat this all."

"Hey, does the sky seem darker to you guys?" Hiromi asked, choking when he looked up. "Adam!?"

"How did he even know where we were!" You exclaimed, yelping when Kojiro pulled you by the shoulders. "Reki! Langa!"

"Save yourself!" Reki shouts, screaming while Adam crashes down.

A few days later, you're walking beside Reki again. Carrying a deck in your hand, Reki carrying two.

"Now, was it the girls' idea to start skating or yours?" You asked, raising a brow when he sucked in a breath and turned his head. "So it was yours then?"

"Nanaka's, actually."

You hum, "She's already good at ice skating." You murmur, glancing at him from the corner of your eyes, grinning when the tips of his ears turn red

"I'm starting to understand why so many people thought we were dating back then."

"I was dense. You were obvious." He mutters incoherent words under his breath. "I never realized I flustered you so much."

He looks at you with a smile, "You're cute."

"Is that all I am to you?"

He scoffs, unlocking the gate to his backyard. "You're everything to me."

Reki doesn't realize the weight of his words yet, excitedly yelling out for his three sisters to come out. Though once he sees your face it's clear it rushes to him.

"I, um," he lets out a nervous laugh, raising his hand to the back of his neck. "You know I mean that."

"I know." You whisper. "I know." His hands move to his back pockets and he teeters on his heels while he looks at you. "Can I kiss you?"

His features soften when you ask, as if the simple question was enough to make him melt. "Always."

When Reki feels your hand nudge his, it's like instinct the way he opens up to clasp around yours. And when your other hand reaches to cup his cheek, he's putty in your hands, grinning, beaming, at you when you haven't even done a thing.

And when your lips press against his, he can't stop the rapid beating of his heart, the shake of his hand when it reaches to cover the one on his cheek.

In this moment, you realize you don't ever want to be away from Reki. Not in a weird way of course.

"Reki," you whisper when you pull away, thudding your fist against his chest. "I..."

He looks at you expectantly, giving your hand a light squeeze as he waits for you to continue.

A smile crossed your face when the hesitation dissipated. Your thumb rubbed the space between his thumb and pointer, eyes set on his.

"I'll be by your side for as long as you'll have me."

It's clear on his face that he wasn't expecting those words, but Reki knows I'm his heart, in his mind, what you really meant by that.

So he leans in, pulls you closer than you were before, and kisses you. Soft, tender, warm. His hand is at the small of your back, the other wrapped tightly around your waist.

It's straight out of a romance movie.

He pulls away this time, resting his forehead against yours. Then the faintest whisper,

"I love you too."

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