Part 4.5: backstory

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A/n; first and foremost, this is a filler chapter! ...and it's fairly long (1016 words) for a filler... takes place before the last chapter! Essentially before langa was introduced but on the same day.

Your phone buzzed on the table beside your bed, your hand blindly reaching out for it in your sleepy daze, grumbling under your breath when the brightness stung your eyes

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Your phone buzzed on the table beside your bed, your hand blindly reaching out for it in your sleepy daze, grumbling under your breath when the brightness stung your eyes.

Reki: y/n!!!!!!
Reki: come over to my house so we can skate to school together!

Y/n: it's fine reki, sorry I was sleeping
Y/n: I'll be there in a few

Yawning you stretched, raising your arms above your head before burrowing yourself under the covers again. "Too early..." you huff, pushing yourself up.

Your grandma had let out a laugh the moment you walked into the kitchen, a toothbrush hanging from your mouth, clothes haphazardly put on.

"Grandma 's too early for you to make fun of me." You grumbled, holding your hand under your mouth to prevent toothpaste from falling to the floor. "'M gonna head out early to meet Reki."


Your eyes widen, walking to the sink to spit the toothpaste out. "Yeah, sorry. Reki is the boy from yesterday."

"Ah, are you together?" She asked, a smug smile coming to her face.

You looked away, rinsing off your toothbrush, wiping at the sides of your mouth. "It's not like that."

She laughs, "I'm only kidding, you have fun today. Lunch is in the fridge."

Taking it out, you walked over to her- pressing a small kiss to her cheek, smiling when she hummed. "I'll see you later, grandma."

Arriving at, what you assume is Reki's house, you walked up the steps, pausing when two little girls gaped at you.

"Um, is Reki here?" You asked hesitantly, eyes widening when they scurried into the house.

Ah well, stranger danger I guess...

"Who are you?"

You look to your right, jolting when another little girl stares at you. "Y/n L/n, reki told me to come here?" You reply.

"Ah, reki never told me he was bringing a friend over!" You sweatdropped when the woman gestured you forward, the little girl from beside you pushing you inside the house. "Please please come in!"

"Sorry for the intrusion." You said, slipping off your shoes.

"Oh, no need to apologize! Reki should be in his room, it's hard to miss." His mother said, smiling at you.

"T-thank you." You stammered, looking down the hall she pointed towards. "Reki?" You called out upon reaching the door, "Reki?"

No answer...

"Reki, I'm coming in."





You frown at him, poking his head. "You told me to come over but you're here sleeping like a baby."

He slaps your hand away, narrowing his eyes at you. "Well, I'm sorry for falling asleep. You're more than welcome to take a nap while I get ready." He muttered, throwing the blanket off of him.

Your backpack clatters to the floor, pushing him to the side slightly to crawl beside him, tugging the blanket onto yourself.

Reki paused, standing up to look at you, cuddled up in his bed. "Y/n?"

"Your words, I followed them."

He sighs, tossing the blanket over your head. "No peeking."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

We've only been friends for a day, Why am I in his bed? Why... why does he smell good? Does reki wear cologne?

"Oi, I'm done. Let's go."

"That was too fast I didn't even get to nap!" You shouted, "did you even brush your teeth?" He nods, shrugging on his backpack. "Carry me reki." You whine, raising your arms.

He barks out a laugh, holding his stomach as he leaned down to pick up your bag. "Put your backpack on."

You mumble as you do so, standing up beside him. "I'll get you to carry me one day."

He chuckled, sliding his door closed as he followed you out, grabbing his bento before poking his head in the kitchen. "I'm off!"

"Have a good day! Nice meeting you!"

You lift your head, looking at her from the door. "Ah, nice to meet you too!" You wave, smiling at the three girls across the room.

The four watched as Reki pushed you out the door, the boy laughing when you nearly tripped on the patch of grass sticking out of the concrete. The door shut, the four girls glancing at each other before nodding.

They'll totally be together!

Lunchtime had finally come and while you both would have been eating on the roof, today it had been in front of the baseball field on the bleachers.

"Say, y/n?" Reki began, staring down at his food. You hum, turning your head to him. "That beef with shadow... how did- when did it happen?"

You lean against the metal fencing on the bleachers, sighing through your nose. "Well, it was two years ago. How it happened is nothing new, shadow pulled a move, I couldn't dodge it and lost. Our bet was the same as yours, he burned my board right in front of me, chuckling at the sad expression I made. Though, even if all I lost was a board and a bit of my dignity, I realized that I didn't feel the same. My eyes didn't shine whenever skating was brought up, the excitement didn't build every time I watched a beef, and I just gave up."

He furrowed his brows, "but if it was two years ago, I would've been there wouldn't I?"

"Given you don't remember, you probably didn't go that day."

He turns to you, sliding across the bench to get closer to you, turning your face towards him. "Y/n," your mouth falls agape at the distance, struggling to make eye contact with him. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."

"Reki, we didn't even know each other," your fingers wrapped around his wrist, thumb brushing over his hand. "You don't need to apologize to me."


The both of you jolted, hands falling to your lap as you looked to the side, staring back at the teacher.

"No kissing on school grounds."

You looked at Reki, whose eyes were wide, then back at the teacher.


A/n: reki being bold > everything

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A/n: reki being bold > everything. Sorry if the backstory is confusing, out of everything backstories are my worst...besides wording. Anyways, see you either Wednesday or Friday!

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